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TyrconnellFL t1_iy55ax9 wrote

Not enough information. Referral to what and who? If the ER referred her rather than admitting her, they have determined that it isn’t an emergency and she can wait. Otherwise she can talk to insurance but they can’t make there be sooner availability within network.


[deleted] OP t1_iy55ybn wrote



AdditionalAttorney t1_iy5718i wrote

Find a specialist and ask if they have uninsured prices. What is the budget that she can afford?


AllTheyEatIsLettuce t1_iy5irif wrote

>I get that it’s not the kind of emergency

It's not any kind of emergency if the customer received a recommendation to seek care elsewhere other than an emergency department/room. That's the insurance seller's position and it's not going to blink.

What you're asking (?) the insurance seller to do is make what's called a "network gap exception" in order for the customer to seek necessary health care from "OON" vendor(s) and have the insurance seller reimburse the vendor(s) at the "IN" rate. Assuming the vendor(s) agree to (1) take/accept/participate in the insurance seller's reimbursement scheme in general and (2) accept the reimbursement rate(s) for <something_here> in particular.


estherstein t1_iy5uj2a wrote

How much did she weigh to start with? That doesn't make mathematical sense unless she has the weight to lose (not that this isn't a serious medical issue, but she won't starve that way which is important to know).


bros402 t1_iy5uzdp wrote

once you hit 10% it's a medical condition


estherstein t1_iy5vrqm wrote

I'm in recovery for atypical anorexia, I'm 100% aware of that- I'm just thinking practically how much immediate danger OP's friend is in. She needs medical care obviously.


bros402 t1_iy5wmqb wrote

Hopefully OPs friend can see someone soon. I posted a comment that I hope will help OP and OP's friend.