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nowthatswhat t1_iuhsagw wrote

You shouldn’t really open a business unless you can do whatever the business would do better than everyone else out there.


djmooseknuck t1_iuht7dn wrote

That’s about as close to crap as you can get

You live in a city with more than one rapid oil change location, I’m sure

Same goes for pretty much every other business

You can be the 50th best accountant in the state and still be vastly more successful than a W2 CPA who is way better than you at the work

Business is about margin and market, being “good” is not required. You can ask professional buyers who their preferred suppliers are for mission-critical orders — it is almost never the best in the business, instead using the biggest in the business

Ppl with no business experience love chiming in this crap lol


nowthatswhat t1_iuhwl1t wrote

I opened and closed my own business, I’m trying to save this guy the money I lost doing it.


djmooseknuck t1_iuhxjpp wrote

I started and closed my first three businesses before I hit on a successful venture. Now I have three successful ventures and I’m buying a fourth that will complement them.

Opening a business is the only way to have a secure future. Anything else relies on the goodwill of an employer


nowthatswhat t1_iuhyqau wrote

Employment doesn’t require “good will” on either party’s behalf, it’s a mutually beneficial relationship, much the same as the relationship between a customer and a gender except much more stable.


djmooseknuck t1_iuhyuon wrote

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who experienced job cuts this year

Meanwhile, my businesses haven’t fired anyone, and I’ve actually grown this year


nowthatswhat t1_iuhzy9s wrote

Most business have grown this year, unemployment is at a record low.


djmooseknuck t1_iui00zp wrote

I can see now why your business failed.


nowthatswhat t1_iui05ty wrote

And I know why even more of yours failed


djmooseknuck t1_iui0i7o wrote

And yet one of us gave up and projects their failure, the other kept going and hit the American dream….



Teeroy_Jenkins t1_iuj7izz wrote

Nah my friend. This is a thread about a guy who just got released from prison asking for advice about what to do with 90k he just came into. You came in here preaching about how he should just start a business and talking it up big time.

You didn't come here to give him advice. You came here to talk up how you 'hit the American dream'. And that is the issue peeps took with your points.


djmooseknuck t1_iujf3gg wrote

I gave him advice, advice that he appreciated, and someone came up in here wanting to trash talk business ownership because he failed at it

I think you missed the mark somewhere


OneAdvertising9821 t1_iuias8k wrote

> Opening a business is the only way to have a secure future

If this is your mindset, it's safe to say that any other option is de facto ignored.


djmooseknuck t1_iuibb1t wrote

I don’t ignore other options. I still have a W2 job, but I have created other income sources because I’ve been an employee for a company when entire states are cut from their footprint — despite being a high-producing employer in a high-producing office


OneAdvertising9821 t1_iuiblf8 wrote

> I don’t ignore other options.

"Opening a business is the only way to have a secure future"


djmooseknuck t1_iuibuni wrote

You’re purposely being disingenuous towards the character of my statement.

If you just wish to nitpick, go elsewhere.


DevilsAdvocate77 t1_iujetgl wrote

Opening a business relies on the goodwill of customers.


djmooseknuck t1_iujeygu wrote

Employment equally depends on their goodwill. That’s like saying both require oxygen in the environment; does not add anything to the conversation to mention because both require it.


DevilsAdvocate77 t1_iujfc69 wrote

You said "opening a business is the only way to have a secure future".

I'm saying it's no more or less secure than employment, because they both depend on the goodwill of others.


djmooseknuck t1_iujfmq5 wrote

One future depends on the goodwill of an employer, which has repeatedly been demonstrated to be fickle — especially in recent months

The other depends on society collapsing. If that happens, nothing you do matters, so why even prep that scenario?


DevilsAdvocate77 t1_iujfsrh wrote

The market for labor will survive longer than anything else you could possibly sell


djmooseknuck t1_iujfwdb wrote

If you truly believe that to be true, then owning the business is unequivocally the better decision


nowthatswhat t1_iuhxxn2 wrote

I’ll expand a little bit. Your whole post is nonsense so I’m going to ignore it and pretend you wrote a better post and reply to it instead.

If you are an accountant, an IT professional, a lawyer, dentist, etc with 10 years exp, yes starting your own business might make sense, if you are just a guy with no particular skill or experience who has a bit of money, starting a business is a terrible idea. First off what will your business be? I doubt you’d randomly decide to go into business producing commercial latex or something not would $90k be enough to do it. You have experience shopping and eating so you’ll probably decide to open a restaurant or retail shop, both are INCREDIBLY difficult to run, and for this reason have HUGE failure rates.


JGreenAZ OP t1_iuhz1x4 wrote

both of you have been help actually and appreciate it! this post especially.


djmooseknuck t1_iuhypca wrote

I am 27 years old

I own a race horse boarding facility, started and sold a marketing agency ($300k exit after 18 months operation), I bought a small used car lot two yrs ago, and I’m in the middle of a $5MM acquisition of a wholesale lumber mill.

On top of all this, I’m a full time account manager for a logistics brokerage

I had no experience with the businesses I am in, I have no degree, I had no mentors

Just the same access to the internet that you and OP have

I also did it all without $90k to start. In fact, I was homeless at 19 and lived in my sunfire

Just because YOU failed and gave up doesn’t mean OP should allow you to project fear on their goals


OneAdvertising9821 t1_iuibc2l wrote

> Just because YOU failed and gave up doesn’t mean OP should allow you to project fear on their goals

They are not OPs goals though, they're yours.


nowthatswhat t1_iuibjrt wrote

who tf asked?


djmooseknuck t1_iuic2xs wrote

You began a little spat. I have provided my resume on the subject matter (starting a business)

How you choose to be affected by that is your own prerogative


DifficultEbb4 t1_iui48gh wrote

Money is not the only ingredient to creating a successful business. Most businesses fail. OP has already said they have a great job that covers all their expenses. 90k in the market for 20 years could be his retirement $, easily.

I agree the whole “don’t open a business unless you’re the best” also makes no sense, but that’s something you two have in common.