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Sergster1 t1_j631ioz wrote

Immigration policy's main goal is to stave off issues from your nation having a declining birthrate, therefore, straining the economy due to the shrinking of its working-age population and increasing of the tax burden of the remaining working-age population to pay for the social services of those outside of it.

Size of a nation has very little to do with why a country allows for more immigration, and this chart explains very well why Germany has chosen to change their policy. .

Immigration is not done as a courtesy to those in need that is what asylum is for. Immigration serves exclusively to prop up the nation receiving immigrants. Theres no such thing as

> the US so in theory should be receiving a quarter of the number of immigrants as the US, not more.

The main metric for if a country should be receiving more immigrants or not is can the current population sustain the economy once people age out.