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PassportNerd t1_j3kat0h wrote

They probably saw a spike in all infectious disease deaths then too.


IamMeNYC t1_j3mnz10 wrote

Yes, covid will amplify existing conditions. Still that does not downplay the seriousness of taking precautions to prevent reinfection.


PassportNerd t1_j3moow5 wrote

To protect myself from Covid, I don't watch the news because I realize that their fear mongering is meant to keep me hooked and loyal to the narrative of their sponsors.


IamMeNYC t1_j3mqlr0 wrote

I prefer not to bury my head in the sand. Long covid brain fog already has me feeling as though there’s a sack over my head. It takes more courage to confront the things you are afraid of than to ignore them. To each their own.


[deleted] OP t1_j51t0st wrote



Nym-Sync t1_j52mdks wrote

> “Long Covid” keep fearing the bogeyman 😂😂😂😂



PassportNerd t1_j3n5wpp wrote

There is a differences between burring your head in the sand and refusing to belief every lie the news says


IamMeNYC t1_j3nwk6n wrote

Avoiding the news won’t protect you from covid. Taking precautions is not blindly accepting all media. Again, to each there own & I’m still a high risk individual & will behave accordingly.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j3qlqo0 wrote

Then take all the precautions you want. Just don't try telling me to wear a mask while outside on the Boardwalk at Coney. It's not going to happen.


IamMeNYC t1_j3qopyv wrote

Wouldn’t dream of it.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j3qwytf wrote

I had fanatics in face shields yelling at me to "Put my mask on" while riding a bike on the boardwalk in Summer 2020. I'm leery of how intense the fear became.


RTRJudge t1_j3jim33 wrote

Deaths seem to be decreasing over the last month for the vaccinated (the lines are vaccinated boosted on the bottom, then vaccinated not boosted, then dark blue is total citywide, then the top line is unvaccinated).

And always worth keeping hard numbers in mind when seeing "most percentage increase since [XYZ]" - overall numbers remain a fraction of early 2022



throws_rocks_at_cars t1_j3kah2v wrote

Lol we went from 2 to 3 per 100k. What an alarmist headline.


Sharlach t1_j3nw99a wrote

Funny how conservatives frame certain stats when it suits their narratives. highlighting a 50% increase in covid rates is "alarmism" but a 30% increase in crime is some real shit though I bet, huh?

Murder rate is 3.5 per 100k, just fyi. Is that the threshold we have to cross before conservatives care?


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j3qlwfu wrote

Everyone dies from murder. I had cover twice and was asymptomatic both times. It was a great way to have paid time off and get into fighting shape. HR called asking for updates and my response was "I'm breaking an 8 minute mile for the first time in 20 years".


Sharlach t1_j3rt7xd wrote

That's the daily covid rate, not annual. Covid has killed waaaaay more people than have died from murder in NYC. Just really highlights how full of shit conservatives are about everything they claim to care about.


Gb_packers973 t1_j3lu6uw wrote

Isn't it concerning that only 12 percent of the population has the latest booster?

my understanding is that waning immunity is a real thing and folks should be getting the latest booster.


gh234ip t1_j3ka5wz wrote

State data show 87% of those who’ve died from COVID are 60 and over, and a majority had heart- or blood-related illnesses.


marketingguy420 t1_j3kbksx wrote

Always awesome that every covid thread has the guy to jump in to remind everyone that it was ok 1.1 million and counting Americans have died of covid because they were old and/or had conditions that make them morally expendable (to psychopaths).

Really important work. Thank you for your service.


SteveFrench12 t1_j3ks3np wrote

Or maybe they feel like theyre reassuring people who are scared of dying from covid but are unlikely to? No need to look at everything so cynically.


Gb_packers973 t1_j3luhzp wrote

I remember under trump when the media compared the total # of deahts to a war (Vietnam, WW2)


TOMtheCONSIGLIERE t1_j3la7fn wrote

> Always awesome that every covid thread has the guy to jump in to remind everyone that it was ok 1.1 million and counting Americans have died of covid because they were old and/or had conditions that make them morally expendable (to psychopaths).

That poster said nothing like that. Did you actually read the article or you prefer to take us on this tangent?


johnny_moist t1_j3szyyk wrote

how the fuck do you equate adding statistical context with “it was ok 1.1 million and counting Americans have died of covid because they were old and/or had conditions that make them morally expendable”

drink some water. go for a walk.

who upvotes this shit?


bottom t1_j3lk5ui wrote

why so binary ??

sheesh, just because one person is looking at actual numbers for some perspective (a 100% percentage increase from 1 would be 2 - which is a huge increase but not a lot) doesn't mean they dont care about life. you have NO idea if they know someone who died. lost a friend or whatever.

I dont like the colour white - oh you must love black! is your logic here. not great huh


as someone else pointed out maybe theyre trying to control their anxiety levels a bit.


you know how New Zealand did so well? they used a slogan 'Be Kind'


lupuscapabilis t1_j3mvztp wrote

I'm always impressed by people like you who suddenly got extremely concerned about the vulnerable population, even though I bet it never once crossed your mind before 2020 that you should be doing something to protect severely immunocompromised people like my cousin.

Older, weaker, and immunocompromised people existed before, were in serious danger from viruses, and you never gave one fuckin shit about it until it became popular to do so.


marketingguy420 t1_j3ojyle wrote

Yeah they weren't being killed in droves in a global plague until that year hope this helps

"popular" lol you absolute bozo.


gh234ip t1_j3kduat wrote

It's right in the article that you obviously didn't bother to read


marketingguy420 t1_j3ke9pe wrote

Always awesome that someone wants to jumps in to repeat something from an article apropos of nothing to remind everyone that it was ok 1.1 million and counting Americans have died of covid because they were old and/or had conditions that make them morally expendable (to psychopaths).

Really important work. Thank you for your service.


gh234ip t1_j3kehbo wrote

Mask up get your shots and stay safe


sternfan1523 t1_j3kp1xe wrote

It’s a misrepresentation not to call out the realities. Our average lifespan is now back to normal, most of these people would be dying from something else at this point if not Covid.


brownredgreen t1_j3m2713 wrote

"yes there is a murderer on the loose, but he only kills the old and frail, we dont need to stop them!"


Sharlach t1_j3nu2o5 wrote

Oh ok, I guess their deaths don't matter then.


IamMeNYC t1_j3mo7bm wrote

Source please. Also that’s gaslighting, it’s still a global epidemic.


Saladcitypig t1_j3l5dqn wrote

So many comments trying to find holes in this. Truth is, after 3 years of pandemic with vaccines and knowledge of what to do to help keep down the spread... people are dying MORE than they were in november.

So you can laugh at 5 verse 6 people, but those are people, dead.


ooouroboros t1_j3plzow wrote

> people are dying MORE than they were in november.

Contrary to all scientific evidence, a lot of people have decided they have had 'enough' and have just dived into the deep dark waters of denial rather than continue to mask up.

I have really learned a lot about human nature from this pandemic and much of it is just depressing.


muva_snow t1_j4s5pey wrote

I lost my 43 year old fiancé to COVID. No comorbidities. I’ve never agreed with a comment more in my entire life. It’s so disheartening.


ooouroboros t1_j4tu97t wrote

I'm sorry for your loss - hope you are coping as best you can.


muva_snow t1_j4vmcw4 wrote

I appreciate that, genuinely. I’m doing a lot better but it never leaves you you just learn to grow with it instead of against it.


ooouroboros t1_j3pmgd8 wrote

People in this sub work themselves into a frenzy about crime here - but I feel pretty confident this illness probably does more bodily damage to NYC residents than criminals.


environmentalloss93 t1_j3m1gre wrote

Have they stopped collecting reliable public data on this? I believe this but I am surprised I don't see it on the graphs that pops up on google search when I look up "Covid NYC"


IamMeNYC t1_j3mqufh wrote

No, I’m enrolled in ongoing research w/Mt. Sinai & Mayo Clinic


IamMeNYC t1_j3mnpt2 wrote

Anyone that is immunocompromised in any way has to be so careful. It’s been over a year (New Years Day 2022 = + omicron) & long covid is still affecting every aspect of my life. I caught that nasty headcold going around NYC last month & got set back on covid recovery, again. I’m using every suggestion to address long covid & still it’s one step forward, 2 steps back.


AutoModerator t1_j3j4nah wrote

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Far-Refrigerator-783 t1_j3mad6o wrote

My husband and I just had COVID.... 1ST TIME... We are both vaccinated...haven't had boosters yet.... We both had symptoms.... Husband had it worse than I did... We are both in our 60s.. got the meds.... But it really wasn't BAD!!!!

My doctor said he hasn't had a patient in the hospital with COVID in over a year..,which is good 👍 to know.


ooouroboros t1_j3pmc2w wrote

> But it really wasn't BAD!!!!

Its different for everyone and unpredictable. Its not a good idea to generalize about this illness.


Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_j3n4fmx wrote

I don't give a care about covid related deaths or "saving lives" until we have socialized healthcare.

People have been dying from preventable diseases for decades because they don't have access to affordable health Care and the government doesn't give a shit.

Of the government actually cared about "saving lives" we would have socialized medicine. Or maybe not have spent the past 20 years blowup middle eastern children.

That government just likes to use covid as an excuse to give itself more power and more control over citizens.


app4that t1_j3nkeds wrote

Hey everybody going around in shops and transit not wearing a mask like this is no big deal...

What? Masks are out of style or something?

OK, hey, keep doing what you are doing and dropping like flies, I guess.

While there is a COVID death spike and the nurses all just went on strike...

So smart.


ooouroboros t1_j3pm5am wrote

A lot of people seem to regard these little paper masks as the devil or something, its madness.


lupuscapabilis t1_j3ogayb wrote

Weird how ny post links are okay when they fit a certain agenda


Metroncat t1_j3j8zcg wrote

How could that be happening?


wabashcanonball t1_j3jmfu3 wrote

A considerable number of people elected not to get the latest bivalent vaccine booster. Had they chosen to get the FREE one shot booster, they would have reduced their risk of hospitalization and death to almost nothing.


inmatarian t1_j3jxtzo wrote

Pick any thread on /r/nyc about covid and sort the comments by controversial and you'll have your answer.


Mechanical_Nightmare t1_j3jhv1c wrote

remember, this is the NY Post, so take whatever they say with a giant truckful of salt.

but also, thanksgiving and the holidays are notorious for spreader events.


koreamax t1_j3k24hn wrote

What agenda would they pushing by lying about this?


Gb_packers973 t1_j3lun7r wrote

it jives with the official NYC covid data

NYC does a good job in presenting the data in simple terms.


Treehaus_user t1_j3je4ll wrote

Hmm relaxed mask restrictions, no more social distancing. Oh and if you're sick use your own sick time.


sternfan1523 t1_j3kpahy wrote

Early 2022, yeah last winter. No shit, infectious disease deaths always go up in the winter well before Covid was a thing. Clickbait.


Justinontheinternet t1_j3l9axq wrote

We need a safer covid act to eliminate all covid deaths 🤣


8_Whiskey_Sours t1_j3lmgbn wrote

Yet the nurses union thinks it’s a good idea to go on STRIKE during a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY !!!!!


Least-Cry-7317 t1_j3mg5qs wrote

Good the deserve the pay raise and safe staffing levels. A bullshit group clap at 7pm when they were at the front lines was absolutely ridiculous.


[deleted] OP t1_j3k6w8v wrote



jumbod666 t1_j3k2z3l wrote

Could have something to do with the amount of migrants coming in. Are they all tested?
