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lucycomestogether t1_iznufr5 wrote

You can email the city council with feedback on these proposals fwiw.


emersonlaz t1_iznw4zs wrote

Lol they won’t do anything..At best they will do something if it fits CC agenda.


INFJ_in_NYC t1_izo06s9 wrote

So why do people vote for them??


supermechace t1_izytarh wrote

I'm always curious where the votes come from but suspect the party affiliated groups have a solid voting base and unfortunately voter turn out is low. The amount of rational people who actually vote aren't enough to outweigh the party backed candidate supporters and anyone they win over through pork barrel promises.


EnochWalks t1_izp8oon wrote

I understand the frustration. I’ve been commenting on stuff for decades, but I would never discourage civic participation. Every once and a while it works, and it’s hard to predict ahead of time when that will be. I’m going to leave a comment