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GoRangers5 t1_izke8o5 wrote

I feel for the next generation that will never end a night at the West 4th St McDonald’s.


BaconEggnCheese611 t1_izl57pm wrote

I remember I was there one late night with my friends and everyone in the place was drunk. One guy skips the line to order and another drunk guy knocks him out with a hook that leaves him starfish on the floor. I saw people literally step over his unconscious body to order their McChickens.


ghostlymadd t1_izktse6 wrote

I walk past it all the time and think “who will rise to legacy that was west 4th street McDonalds”


iStealyournewspapers t1_izmbukm wrote

Hey even with it closed it still attracts the worst kind. Like I was letting my daughter play at the playground next to it this summer and a lady is there with like 5 kids. Clearly not mother of the year with the way she speaks to them, and then she just begins smoking a joint. In a kid’s playground.


poopship462 t1_izliipm wrote

I had just turned 21 on my 2nd night ever out drinking at bars and this woman wanted me to go down on her in the McDonald’s bathroom. I was so drunk, I nearly went through with it, but luckily it was out of order and I don’t need to have that memory.


BefWithAnF t1_izo6b14 wrote

Guess that place just knocked itself down- like some kind of Lovecraftian vortex opened up & it got dragged to the other side.