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josepapiblanco t1_ivcylea wrote

Sorry to tell you but the people whipping gas scooters in all the wrong places aren’t reading or listening to signs


xoxofeebzz t1_ivhu75a wrote

At Metrotech there are multiple official signs telling people to dismount bikes and mopeds. I have never in my daily commute walk seen a single person dismounting and walking their bike or moped. Useless


CroustiBat OP t1_ivcytvy wrote

It's less for them than DOT to encourage them paying more attention


DarkAvenger27 t1_ivdgfth wrote

Come on now. DOT gives less of a shit than the people riding the mopeds. The most they’ll do is tear down your signs because they’re unauthorized.


bottom t1_ivd2j8m wrote

Yeah. No. The signs won’t help and the idea that anyone can out up traffic announcement signs in public is bad and could be quite dangerous.

I feel your pain 100% and get your idea but this isn’t the way. With the massive increase in electric vehicles changes are needed


redditorium t1_ivdsz8c wrote

> than DOT to encourage them paying more attention

By what mechanism would this even happen?


atari_Pro t1_ivf1xxk wrote

I’m with you fuck the pessimism.


CroustiBat OP t1_ivf2aeg wrote

Funnily enough, we put a sign up while a DOT worker was watching us, so someone took notice lol.

To be fair, the amount of conversation this has generated in this thread alone made it worth it. We obviously know it's not going to magically solve the problem, but with our time and ressources - it's one thing we can do.


Something_Berserker t1_ivg14l2 wrote

I saw a few of your signs up near the Williamsburg bridge and on 1st Ave. I appreciate your signs, even though it’s pissing into the wind.

Also pointless, but the “right way” to go about this is to write your council-person.


josepapiblanco t1_ivczx9f wrote

I’m sure but I think there’s only a couple things that will actually stop reckless endangerment


BMO888 t1_ivcxn5u wrote

I commute over the Brooklyn Bridge and the other day was the first time I’ve actually seen a moped get a warning. Took them long enough. Those things take up so much space and the less considerate blow by cyclists. They’re pretty annoying.


kuedhel t1_ivd8vlm wrote

especially given that there is a cop cruiser sits on the entry to bike lane on the Brooklyn sign and two cops standing outside of the cruiser.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivduoha wrote

I don't expect discourse, only downvotes - but how should mopeds get across the bridges? the speed limit is higher than the top speed of most delivery mopeds and drivers invariably exceed that limit.

mopeds absolutely do not belong in the bike lanes, and it's exacerbated by riders that blow through at max speed but shoving the delivery guys onto a bridge packed with heavy vehicles going twice as fast is way worse than 'pretty annoying'


Shreddersaurusrex t1_ive4jlf wrote

Car lanes


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ive51rj wrote

so just condemn the delivery classes to road conditions that their moped cannot handle? doesn't matter as long as enough survive to get your Sweetgreen's delivered?


pompcaldor t1_ivejl1z wrote

It’s called using the proper tool for the job.

Next, you’re gonna complain about mopeds not being able to carry a refrigerator.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivem3o6 wrote

that's not applicable at all, what a weird and stupid strawman.

transportation is often the entire fuckin job, not a 'tool'

the fact remains that if NYC only has bridges into Manhattan, and the streets are critically dangerous for mopeds then the mopeds will use the bike lanes.

the solution isn't to force the mopeds into a situation that's clearly immediately lethal because they're annoying. I get that it gives you a justice boner to think of people that annoy you getting killed on their way to work, but the reasonable response would be to work on solutions that take other's sense of self preservation into account


pompcaldor t1_ivenv39 wrote

I’m not gonna drive a U-Haul on the Belt Parkway, and I’m not gonna drive an underpowered moped on a major bridge.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivf5ckw wrote

it's weird that you think this response is relevant - I'm not saying it isn't against the rules, I'm saying that riding a moped in a vehicle lane on the bridge is dangerous, critically so.

a solution involves avoiding people getting hurt not... proof they can be punished by law. forcing moped riders to choose between breaking the law or putting themselves in critical danger sets a bad precedent for how riders follow laws and worsens the scenarios where mopeds endanger others.

also how is a U-Haul or the belt parkway relevant? on what part? it's a major thoroughfare and one of the better roads to drive a truck.


marishtar t1_ivf98wo wrote

Who the fuck is ordering Sweetgreen's from an entirely different borough? Stahp it.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivi16ab wrote

who the fuck doesn't know that delivery drivers in Manhattan don't fucking live in Manhattan


i-keeplosingaccounts t1_iveo0ku wrote

Real New Yorkers know not to order things from a different borough. Problem solved.


Something_Berserker t1_ivf37fs wrote

I think a lot of the delivery guys commute into Manhattan to do deliveries in the city for the day.

Still, no reason to choose a scooter to do the job an e-bike could do, especially if you have no legal way to commute with it.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivf3ebq wrote

'real new yorkers' also sometimes live in the outer boroughs and have to bring their delivery vehicle into Manhattan.

until we're paying delivery drivers enough for them to move to Manhattan, this is a nonstarter


Shreddersaurusrex t1_ivfcnxp wrote

Drivers want the protection of a bike lane but the perks of a 100% motor vehicle.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivi1i29 wrote

it's weird how literally nobody has provided a coherent solution other than 'moped riders can go die in traffic'

what a sad bunch of entitled pieces of shit like you here


soph0nax t1_ivesoi3 wrote

The gas mopeds blow across the bridge bike lanes at 25-30mph. They can most certainly keep up with vehicle traffic going across the bridge assuming the bridge vehicles are keeping to the legal speed limit of the city so let's not be dramatic and say the cars on the bridge are going twice as fast - half the time the bridge traffic is crawling.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivf384e wrote

cool fantasy - the bridge speed limits are 35, nobody follows the speed limit and they drive as fast as they can until they hit traffic which is only crawling at certain times in certain directions and often only half the bridge.


AleX080996 t1_ivf3xcj wrote

Tell me you're not a driver without telling me you're not a driver.


soph0nax t1_ivf60jm wrote

Wow you caught me, the rare person in NYC who doesn't drive a car. I am just tired of gas mopeds on the bridge bike lanes.


azspeedbullet t1_ivctrzr wrote

scooter and mopeds is not a bike and should not be in a bike lane


numba1cyberwarrior t1_ivecax9 wrote

I dont think its safe for many scooters to not be on the bike lane


chewbaccajesus t1_iw1qwlq wrote

So maybe they can lobby and work through the democratic process like bicyclists have over the last decades and get their own lane.

Cyclists have been fighting for decades to have separate infrastructure. They organized, they lobbied, and they are now getting what they fought for.

Just to have some scooter / moped jabronis come and ruin it? Nah. Get your own damn lanes.


happytappin t1_ivg0eft wrote

If it can go past the speed limit and is motorizedit belongs to the streets!! Speed limit, Queensboro...25mph.


isowater t1_ivcx1nu wrote

A scooter is usually slow enough to be safe in the bike lane. Definitely better than on the street. Bike lanes are for micro mobility not just for Bikes.


_Maxolotl t1_ivd1iq5 wrote

Vespa style e-scooters have 5x the motor wattage of an ebike and weigh between 2-4x as much.
Newtonian physics says they're much more dangerous than ebikes. And they can go 30+ so they can be in the car lane.


picklefluffer t1_ivd02nw wrote

If the scooter is going at bike speeds then I can see an argument for that but every time I see a scooter in the bike lane it’s going at nearly the same speed as the cars.


isowater t1_ivd1uom wrote

We have regulations for that. Anything that goes above 25mph can't go in the bike lane. Solved


froggythefish t1_ivdsnnh wrote

No motorized vehicles should be in the non-motorized vehicle lane. This includes e-scooters and gas scooters, though kick scooters are obviously fine.


thereia t1_ivd2b25 wrote



isowater t1_ivd2m34 wrote

I fully support more bike lanes but if it turns into bike only elitism then you are no better than cars


thereia t1_ivd3td5 wrote

>bike only elitism

No. Scooters are MUCH HEAVIER than bikes. SO even if they are going the same speed as bikes they are DEADLY to cyclists. It has NOTHING to do with elitism and EVERYTHING to do with the law (and the laws of physics).

VTL 102-a – Definition of Bicycle Lane – A portion of the roadway which has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycles.


FarFromSane_ t1_ivd4hvh wrote

I think thread is taking about two different kinds of scooters. Kick scooter style should be (and are) allowed in the bike lane.


thereia t1_ivd54bx wrote

Was about to say I think maybe there's a language issue here.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_ivece01 wrote

The laws of phsyics are that its very dangerous for many scooters to be on bike lanes.


isowater t1_ivd47jh wrote

A scooter that is much heavier than a bike is basically a moped at that point. I've seen bikes go up to 50 pounds and any scooter past that isn't really a scooter


thereia t1_ivd5buh wrote

I think there is an issue with language here (what is a scooter vs moped). But regardless, anything bigger than a basic e-bike (a bike frame with a small motor and those long thin rectangular batteries) is no longer a bike and legally restricted from using the lane.


isowater t1_ivd6jca wrote

Agree but why make up arbitrary metrics? We have class 1,2, and 3. What you're describing is basically a class 1 ebike, which I agree is the most safe. Class 2 is a very grey area. Class 3 should definitely be banned from the lanes


bottom t1_ivd2phu wrote

Naw. It’s more dangerous for them and cyclists to be in there. Scooters etc. should position them self 2-3 seconds back from the car in from and roughly in the same position as the drivers rear tire to ensure they are seen in mirrors.


Grass8989 t1_ivcszu6 wrote

This was literally just posted and removed. Assuming the mods don’t want this sub to turn into a micromobility/bike crosspost sub. Maybe a micromobility mega thread isn’t the worst idea.


CroustiBat OP t1_ivct3jr wrote

I removed it because the title was misleading and looked like this was against electric scooters / skateboards, which was not the case


Grass8989 t1_ivcukec wrote

The OP of the other thread who apparently put up these signs did say it was targeted at electric scooters as well, or any vehicle that goes 35+ mph.


oreosfly t1_ivdodrk wrote

The only thing stopping them is enforcement, ticketing, and seizures. Signs don't do shit.


frishdaddy t1_ivey0oz wrote

Prepared to be gaslighted by the moped delivery community who are “forced” to ride their gas mopeds in the bike lanes to “survive” and render their “essential” services. Meanwhile ignoring the fact that there are thousands of law abiding delivery riders on electric pedal e-bikes doing the same thing without putting bikers in jeopardy.


aceofpayne t1_ivfk0ld wrote

I saw these this morning. Good work, fooled me and thought they were official. So they might stay up for a while


socialcommentary2000 t1_ivecvtr wrote

I like it, but you should have gotten your hands on the style guide for signage that the city uses so that it's so passable it'll stay up for years without them taking it down.


CroustiBat OP t1_iveqlyg wrote

I feel like if we made it look too legit we might get in more trouble


soph0nax t1_ivesvv3 wrote

If you're already going to do something illegal, commit to the bit and go all the way.


tyen0 t1_ivhop0l wrote

That's what I was thinking. Closer to fraud or similar crime if impersonating a government authority.


[deleted] t1_iveuf8e wrote

I don’t even like those large tired electric bikes.


doodoobug46 t1_ive0v87 wrote

Great idea! This will definitely stop them!


FastFingersDude t1_ivfwjj3 wrote

I admire your spirit, and trying to do something.


timweng t1_ivgsbrb wrote

We should all learn to share the bike lane safely and respect for our fellow commuters. Mopeds like the Revel are not legally allowed on bridges. They have permission to use the bike lane to cross inter-borough.

This disagreement between bikers, mopeds, and scooters reminds me of when pedal bikers are upset with ebikers. They were able to learn to share the bike lane safely and respectfully.


Bertie_Woo t1_ivhs3s6 wrote

I think think slow, lightweight scooters with moped-esque features like mirrors, turn signals, and full suspension are actually safer.


Taylen137 t1_ixokaqo wrote

Agreed! Exactly what I have and it’s much safer. 20mph, built in horn, blinkers, mirrors, more heft, more crumple zone should I crash, can carry a passenger.


newnewyorkian t1_ivi5uhi wrote

When was the last time you saw a moped on a sidewalk? When was the last time you saw someone on a bike/moped/etc run without even stopping a red light or stop sign? When was the last time you saw people riding full speed in a place where people have to walk their equipment? When was the last time you saw a pedestrian jaywalk? A car speed past a light that's turning red?

If you said more than a week, you probably don't live in New York. These guys already know that what they're doing is wrong. While signage always helps, people will do whatever the hell they want if they believe it's expedient. Why? Because there are seldom any consequences and our civic spirit is rather low.

We all transgress.


LeicaM6guy t1_iveu8bn wrote

I admire their psychotic optimism.


Ok_Extreme_6512 t1_ivf1lhc wrote

Controlling their speed is more realistic, your picking a fight with Allie’s for no reason. Riding a scooter in traffic is not great, and cars are the real problem


Joest0rm t1_ivg2etx wrote

U don’t want these scooters on the street ppl will get cooked


SolitaryMarmot t1_ivd6snf wrote

The city needs to do what they did on 8th and 9th Avenues pretty much everywhere. They should expand all the bike lanes to two lanes in each direction and add about 10 extra feet to all the crosswalks. Mopeds don't belong on wide fast streets with cars but they shouldn't be weaving in and out of bikes either. With the sheer volume of micromobility vehicles out there combined with overcapacity for cars about 90% of the time - the road design is truly unbalanced. Particularly on my evening commute home there are more bikes/ebikes/scooters/mopeds waiting at a given light than cars.


DaBadFeelingGoesAway t1_ivfubb8 wrote

People who ride bikes think the own the streets and that the world is waiting on baited breath to hear your opinions….. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU, YOUR BIKES OR YOUR BUKE LANES… POINT BLANK! GFSF!


thereia t1_ivd1yfg wrote

Right on.


available_username2 t1_ivdac5p wrote

citi bikes have motors. well the electric ones


CroustiBat OP t1_ivdak1m wrote

Pedal assisted electric bikes do not count per law


MuffinMatrix t1_ivfnd09 wrote

But they also have pedals. generally any vehicle that has peddles is comparable to size and weight of a regular bicycle. Mopeds are very different beast.


[deleted] t1_ive1nyv wrote



MuffinMatrix t1_ivfmy5d wrote

Thats ridiculous. Motorcycles?? A thing that weighs hundreds of pounds, with a full gas motor, in a lane where most users are on a ~25lb bicycle, including kids? GTFO
Not to mention the difference in bulk size, its already often difficult to pass slower people AND KIDS, when theres people coming the other way.
Theres also a large difference in acceleration. Mopeds/motorcycles can get to car speed VERY fast. No average bicyclist is getting to 20mph off a start anytime soon.
Those lanes are to offer safety from larger vehicles that also go faster. When those vehicles are in the same lane, it sacrifices that safety.

People forget bike lanes are also good for kids, who have NOT gone through the training to learn to drive. So they don't know all the same rules drivers do, nor do they have the road experience. That makes it a huge discrepancy of rider, not just for the physical vehicles.


Bertie_Woo t1_ivhqx3z wrote

People weigh hundreds of pounds too. Personally I care more about the noise and speed.


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_iventle wrote

I guess that’s what you do when you’re not having sex
