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EndDeed OP t1_it0ntm7 wrote

If I had a bus driver like you that showed some type of compassion after they dragged me with my arm inside closed doors I would at least feel better. Tbh they don’t even need to give me a copy, just video evidence so they know this happened instead of my word against the driver.


kd10023 t1_it0p9cr wrote

Lmao not gon lie I’m a decent driver but I’m just doing my job lol. But trust and believe if you made a report it will be heard. Any incident with a customer must be called in on the radio no matter what. If a drunk crackhead falls on the bus we need to call it in and not move that bus regardless if it’s rush hour and the crackhead is long gone. this is absolutely serious and WILL be taken serious. If the operator is a probie (like me) they’ll likely be fired if they didn’t self report it. Trustttt me, the operator will be taken out of customer service and will face discipline.