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theelljar t1_isrd2sn wrote

poor sweet angel. this is heartbreaking. the carriage horse industry needs to end now.


BeamStop23 t1_issbpyp wrote

Not that I agree with the industry but based on how capitalism works there's no reason to NOT take care of the primary source of what's making you money. It's like owning a work truck, you'd be inclined to keep it in top shape. The average lifespan of a wild horse is 15, in captivity they can live 10 years longer. There is no evidence that the horse was "abused", outside of working at old age. This horse was at least 30 years old, much older than horses in other industries. So I hope the people upset understand that this horse in literally all other industries would have been deemed "useless" and euthanized/executed several years ago. So those complaining are essentially saying the horse should have been killed a long time ago, and have no clue as to what goes on in other horsing industries, they are far closer to cattle than pets under law, as seen here.


damnatio_memoriae t1_iswjvyn wrote

if i recall correctly, the owner lied about that horse's age, and it shouldn't have still been working as a carriage horse at all.


spageddy_lee t1_issc5f5 wrote

"Sometimes... Dead is Betta"


BeamStop23 t1_issey7m wrote

Well human's choosing this for animals is a moral discussion. I'm just saying that this video has a lot of "shock" value and outrage culture is very easy to get clicks from. The things being said about the owner online from the video is disturbing considering he didn't do anything wrong in how he handled the collapse. It is just as likely that over 30 years he has a bond with the horse, it's longevity is linked to how much work he's put into keeping him healthy, and is saddened by the loss. Given it's age I wouldn't even be surprised if the horse wasn't even making him any money. In the industry I'd have been normal to have him killed a long time ago.


SuffrnSuccotash t1_isuwd9c wrote

He had EPM which is a neurological disorder cause by a parasite opossums carry. The opossums spread it if they get into the horses feed which can be difficult to prevent. The disease is hard to treat and also hard to diagnose. My friends horse got it and it was terrible. The horse collapsed and she got hurt. It can kind of lurk in their systems for a while without any symptoms showing.


BeamStop23 t1_isxrenp wrote

Which directly contradicts the outrage culture's decision that it died because of towing on asphalt and heat. That's why it's never smart to come to conclusions without having all the facts available.


SuffrnSuccotash t1_isxztm5 wrote

I really try to stay out of the carriage horse debate because overwhelming the people against have literally no knowledge of horses. Most people don’t realize what goes into caring for a horse that can potentially live 30-40 years. They don’t realize how many carriage horses would have otherwise been sold at auction for a gruesome end on a truck to Mexico to be disposed of as meat. I’m happy to see horses in an easy job with people advocating for them who get regular vet checks. The carriage horses I’ve seen have all been in good weight with their feet trimmed. This guy looked skinny but older horses just like older dogs often have a hard time keeping weight on. If there’s an industry to go after it would be the racing industry which actually produces more horses that then need care when their careers are over in racing. The other evil horse industry I’d like to see shut down because it churns out more horses that need homes is the Premarin mares. People actually think they breed horses to pull carriages in the park which is the opposite of what happens. Working as a carriage horse actually saves a lot of horses that would otherwise be thrown away.


Heythatsmybikeeeee t1_ith31p5 wrote

Everyone knows why it collapsed. It was also severe underweight, elderly and working in the heat. Stop defending this cruel practice that is continued because a bunch of weirdos without animal knowledge can’t be bothered to get a real job. Pulling tourists in a horse carriage around nyc is not a real job


BeamStop23 t1_ithryev wrote

So it's been about a week. I do apologize, the horse was not in the owners care until earlier this year. The horse also actually died from cancer which explains the weightloss. I'm not necessarily buying the horse dying from a 90 degree heat day when horses are desert animals and wild horses still exist in desserts. So for me personally on one hand we shouldn't have horses dying from old age diseases on the road, on the other I don't support killing them for export to China. Given that it's "career" ended long ago, do you think it should have been killed?


Heythatsmybikeeeee t1_ith2nvy wrote

The owner had purchased this horse months before from an Amish auction. The horse was severely underweight and clearly elderly. The owner then didn’t seek medical care for the horse that was suffering a brain condition from inhaling rodent droppings. The owner then put this thin, sick elderly horse to work in 100 degree heat. The owner should not be allowed to work with horses if the owner is so dumb he can’t see what a lay person can see- that the horse was not fit to work. He bought a cheap horse and planned to work it until it died. He sat and played with his phone while nypd revived his horse. The owner shouldn’t get praise for beating a horse that collapsed to get it out of the road when his poor choices led to the horse collapsing. Are you part of this dumb carriage horse union?


ripstep1 t1_isvq51m wrote

Ryder would be dog food without the carriage industry


HMS404 t1_isrcalq wrote

Damn. RIP you equestrian homie.


BrieGoneThot t1_istevcm wrote

Fuck this shitty ass union that is keeping us from getting rid of animal abuse like this.

They should saw off this horses head and put it in the Union rep's bed.


cty_hntr t1_istklq1 wrote

Google Ian McKeever, the owner and driver of Ryder and you'll find him at the center of this controversy going back nearly 20 years. At one point, he organized the union in question and was it's chief spokesman.


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxfvqq wrote

I can’t stand how unions have evolved to become a tool of protecting literal criminals. Idk how the legislation would be written, but there’s gotta be a line drawn somehow regarding who and what can unionize.


maripily08 t1_isr4wnr wrote

Poor animals!! Who ever owns and profit from them should have the most painful kidney decease ever.


lotusflower64 t1_isrnx3m wrote

Oh noooo, I thought he was going to a pasture upstate??😢


glazor t1_ist5af1 wrote

The animals crowded round the van. “Good-bye, Boxer!” they chorused, “good-bye!”

“Fools! Fools!” shouted Benjamin, prancing round them and stamping the earth with his small hoofs. “Fools! Do you not see what is written on the side of that van?”

That gave the animals pause, and there was a hush. Muriel began to spell out the words. But Benjamin pushed her aside and in the midst of a deadly silence he read:

“‘Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.’Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker’s!”


An-Angel_Sent-By-God t1_issmqqk wrote

The good news is that Ryder will soon be replaced by a new horse - Methuselah, who is affectionately nicknamed "Meth" after the drug they use to start his heart every morning


SuffrnSuccotash t1_isuvp0p wrote

“Ryder collapsed on a street in Hell's Kitchen on August 10th. The responding veterinarian in the city diagnosed him with EPM, a neurological disease caused by a parasite transmitted by possums and raccoons. Subsequent blood tests revealed a low white-cell blood count. According to Ryder’s former owner, Ryder was purchased earlier this year after his owner in Amish country no longer wanted him…He was brought to a New York animal sanctuary and then to the Cornell Equine Hospital for further evaluation and treatment where he spent many days. During his time at Cornell, Ryder was cared for by a team of veterinary professionals but was diagnosed with a variety of serious medical conditions that ultimately required him to be humanely euthanized. A necropsy is being performed on the horse. Details regarding the specific conditions are not being released at this time due to an ongoing investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.”

NYC Carriage Horse Ryder’s New Owner: “Many people don't know that I was fortunate enough to care for Ryder these last two months. When I saw his video I reached out and offered him a home. I wasn't thinking about anything but giving him a soft landing. The things that have happened since that day have been so awakening and I will be forever grateful for the lessons I have learned and the friendships I have made. I had many people's support and help. People came together in support of Ryder, those are the people that deserve to know that he was humanly euthanized. Ryder was diagnosed with a terminal illness and nothing could prevent the outcome. He was seen by many veterinarians. In spite of being accused of many things I have not kept quiet with malicious intent. Ryder was and is part of a criminal investigation. I do feel that people deserve answers and in time I'm sure that more will be released. I do not want to interfere with the DA investigation. I'm truly devastated by his loss. He was an amazing horse that deserved more time to enjoy his retirement. He was happy, had friends and a peace about him that we can all hope to have one day. Today as I looked at his pasture I again felt the pain and again wished he had more time. That is something that we have no control over. We do have control over how we treat each others and the gifts we are given in our lives. So please try to stay grateful and treat people as you want to be treated. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Don't believe everything you read. Treat people as individuals, there is good and bad in everything. Please do not make this post about any controversy, please just say a prayer for Ryder and other horses in need.”

“We are very saddened to learn of Ryder’s passing. We know that he received the best of care with his new owner and veterinary team at Cornell. We’re sorry that at the end of Ryder’s long life, he did not get to enjoy more of his retirement. Even though we only knew him a short time, Ryder touched our lives in so many ways. Thanks to him, we have initiated new veterinary and safety protocols and made significant steps towards the union’s HEART platform. Ryder has positively impacted carriage horse welfare and brought our carriage community together. Our condolences to all of his connections and everyone who knew him, even for a moment.”


stevecbelljr t1_isuzv9t wrote

The horse was 26 years old. That's a pretty normal horse lifespan.


survive_los_angeles t1_isx99ig wrote

Ruff Ryders!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RIP. never forget how some anons came on the subreddit to defend abusing horses and the carriage industry. big carriage has a internet presence