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KaiDaiz t1_jdyb2wz wrote

Discovery of relevant information to the case is the right and ethnical thing to do vs right now chasing and bogging down the system chasing irrelevant info that don't matter/change the case but subject entire case to dismissal on a short arbitrary deadline that was setup to fail is insane

You telling me its important to cases to collect the log books and officer complaints/work history of cops that show up and left never saw anything/interacted with victim/perp/witness/anyone is relevant details to waste resources on? and the people not even calling them as a witness. All you creating is mindless paperwork for nothing. No staff/resource in the world can cover that waste of time


mowotlarx t1_jdyesbf wrote

Who gets to decide what is relevant? And why should it be the prosecution? Everyone deserves to see EVERY DETAIL in a case against them.


KaiDaiz t1_jdyfb0n wrote

judge, the jury....then let it go to trial....we arent even reaching that phase. we stuck arguing x is missing out of umpteen docs and want to toss entire case pretrial. you think that's fair? we are literally arguing at the pregame phase over someone the team don't even plan to put in the game


mowotlarx t1_jdyisxn wrote

>you think that's fair

Yes. Because defendants have a right to see evidence in a case against them. The courts shouldn't be a trial mill. These are people's lives we are judging. And I certainly don't think we should trust a prosecutor to judge what evidence is valuable or not to the defense.


KaiDaiz t1_jdyl1k5 wrote

what evidence used against them? said missing piece not even called as a witness/evidence against the accused....there's a reason why it wasn't collected the first place and presented to court in timely one care for was not important to case and not plan to use against accused


mowotlarx t1_jdzklsh wrote

It was not important to the prosecution. That doesn't mean it's not important to the defense. Given the track record of prosecutors withholding evidence from the defense, I would never trust the word of a prosecutor on what is relevant or not.


KaiDaiz t1_je014a1 wrote

how is it important for the defense for statements for someone not even present at the crime/incident? seriously running circles...its only important bc they can claim failure to dot the I to toss entire case.

again...something like this shouldn't toss the entire case since entire prosecution not based on it. let it go to trial, let the jury decide? whats the fear? you get your day in court same with the people vs tossing things on technicality. just don't allow it as evidence against the accused...that's the fair approach. but nope...dolts like you think otherwise


ephemeraljelly t1_jdyj0nq wrote

the defense team should still have the opportunity to view it. again, as someone whose responsibility it was to collect logbooks, its not difficult. it takes like a minute at most to send


KaiDaiz t1_je03aon wrote

defense don't even use it. they only care its missing. its minutes x other cases and things folks have to do. its mindless busywork for nothing and simple things like this missed shouldn't tank the entire case since entire case not built on this one piece.


ephemeraljelly t1_je03q6q wrote

its not up for you to decide whether the information is useful or not. i now work in defense and every piece of information is important, even if you dont think so


KaiDaiz t1_je04i61 wrote

then let the jury and judge decide when case goes to as defense using it as a excuse to toss entire case before trial over things you know is useless

you simply afraid of it going to trial and using any excuse to prevent it. go to trial argue how important x was not turn over...go ahead lets see if you do


ephemeraljelly t1_jdycmze wrote

arent logbooks digital now? they were starting to be done digitally when i worked for the DA so im not seeing how that’s difficult. really the only difficult thing in my experience was repeatedly having to remind officers to email me their logbooks