Submitted by drpvn t3_10trp66 in nyc

The flood of migrant families into New York City is forcing schools to accept children who lack required vaccinations and has possibly led to one outbreak already.

The Simon Baruch Middle School in Gramercy Park had a chickenpox case, according to a Jan. 25 notice from the principal which said students not vaccinated for the illness could not attend school.

A parent at the school said after the announcement, five migrant children were absent for a few days from the class in question

“When you are talking now about hundreds of children entering a school and coming from countries where we know the same childhood vaccinations are not available— it’s hard to not see where vulnerable families could be put at risk,” the parent said.

A top city health official recently told the City Council that a surprising number of migrant children who had never had a single shot were arriving in the Big Apple.

“We’re seeing so many unvaccinated kids,” Dr. Ted Long, executive director of the NYC Test & Trace Corps, said at a council hearing, speaking generally about the migrant influx.

An estimated 11,000 migrant children have enrolled in Department of Education schools since the summer.

The city Health Department tracks outbreaks of illnesses like chickenpox but refused to say how many it has recorded in city schools since September or comment on the Simon Baruch situation.

Carolina Chicaisa, who arrived in New York from Ecuador on Jan. 8, said her 8-year-old-son, Jareth, has been attending third grade at PS 111 in Hell’s Kitchen since last week without a record of his vaccinations.

“I had proof of them from Ecuador, but I lost them in the jungle on our way here,” Chicaisa said.

She said she took Jareth for blood tests to prove he was vaccinated and was waiting for the results to show to the school, which has been overwhelmed with migrant students. He is allowed to attend class until they get the proof.

Another mom from Ecuador said her son has been attending eighth-grade classes at the City Knoll Middle School, which is located in the same West 53rd Street building as PS 111, for about two months although his shots were not up initially to date.

“A month ago they asked for the vaccine records, and he did have vaccines in Ecuador but he still had to go have six more. I don’t even remember which ones he got,” said the mom who declined to give her name.

Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are required to get the chickenpox vaccine as well as the DTaP, MMR, polio, and hepatitis B shots. At least two doses are required for each of the vaccines.

Students are not required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

DOE rules say schools must accept kids living in temporary housing, including asylum seekers, even if they can’t immediately show vaccination or academic records, according to guidance sent to principals in September.

“Students transferring from another state or country, including asylum seekers, have 30 days from their enrollment to provide evidence of vaccinations or be in the process of acquiring vaccinations,” the guidance says.

They are allowed to attend school during this 30-day period.

Students who are not migrants or in temporary housing need at least the first dose in a vaccine series to provisionally remain in school. They then need to provide proof that follow-up shots have been scheduled or risk getting excluded from school, according to DOE rules.

“Both DOE and DOH work closely with families to ensure they have access to immunizations services and are in compliance with the school requirements to prevent outbreaks,” DOH spokesman Patrick Gallahue said.

Test & Trace Corps staff have given in excess of 4,600 shots to more than 1,800 kids, a spokesman told The Post.

The Simon Baruch principal did not immediately return a request for comment nor did a DOE spokesman.



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bangbangthreehunna t1_j78jqye wrote

Of course they are.


ColCrockett t1_j79ycy5 wrote

Did you know that illegal immigrants coming from Mexico/South America are the main cause of Tuberculosis in the US? I have a friend who’s sister is a nurse and caught TB from one.


TurbulentArea69 t1_j7cqwcp wrote

It’s really people from all poorer nations. It’s more common among Asian populations. However, something like 95% of Tb cases are latent and will never turn into active Tb. Active Tb usually happens in people with highly compromised immune systems, such as people with untreated HIV and AIDS.


ColCrockett t1_j7crzzs wrote

Right it’s just that people coming from those other countries have take a TB test before coming here.


TurbulentArea69 t1_j7d2ik6 wrote

I’m not sure exactly what you’re saying so apologies if I’m reiterating the same thing. We do try to get most people to take TB tests when they come here. We also try to get them to take treatments.

The thing is that neither the tests nor the treatments are that great.


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j79gvb3 wrote

I thought kids were not allowed to attend school unless they were vaccinated. Why is this not being followed? Maybe some parents at the school in the article should sue the city/state for discrimination for being forced to vaccinate their children while allowing others to be exempt.


lunatoons291 t1_j7bitcl wrote

As is said in the caption, they have 30 days from the start of the school year to prove they’re vaccinated or start the process. They’re not exempt, they’re just giving them time to figure it out. Whether they should be allowed to attend before they are fully up to date is another issue, but they’re not being held to any different standard


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j7boprj wrote

I got a letter, as I'm sure every other NYC parent did telling me before school even started that my kids had to be vaccinated or else they could not attend the first day back nor could they attend school until vaccinated. If they are attending school unvaccinated they most definitely are being held to a different standard.


lunatoons291 t1_j7bp292 wrote

As the article states, students transferring from another state, including asylum seekers, have 30 days from the start of the school year to prove they’re vaccinated or start the process. Not sure what point you’re trying to make here. Everyone is held to the same standard, but students coming from other places have a little more time to get things situated.


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j7bpvfg wrote

My point is, no child is allowed tend school if they are unvaccinated. I wasn't given 30 days to get them vaccinated. I was told proof had to be shown to the school before my children could attend/ start back to school. Is that clear enough? Pretty sure other parents living in NYC will tell you the same thing.


bittoxic00 t1_j7fiiue wrote

Calm down, everyone is just trying to tell you that you fell for it and it doesn’t matter so much anymore


lunatoons291 t1_j7bq6k9 wrote

The rules are different for people coming from other places where the standards might have been different. They are all held to the same standards, just given 30 days to meet those standards. You’re a nyc resident apparently whose children have been attending NYS schools for years. Why would they need the extra time? They should already be up to the standards, right? That’s the point here


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j7bqpio wrote

So they should stay home until they are vaccinated. As recently as covid, kid's were not allowed to attend schools after the lockdown unless they had proof of vaccination.


lunatoons291 t1_j7brczv wrote

Covid was the exception, not the rule. This policy isn’t new. However, in my original comment I said whether they should be allowed to attend until vaccinated is another matter entirely. Your original comment seemed much more up in arms that your kids are forced to vaccinate while these kids aren’t, which is not the issue here. Glad we’re on the same page now that everyone is being held to the same exact standard, with one group given more time to meet that standard due to valid circumstances. No need to continue the convo from here.


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j7bspog wrote

Absolutely I think NYC residents are being held to a different standard. As you pointed out they are being treated as an exception to the rule. Once my children entered the NYC education system they had to be vaccinated before they could attend school. When they needed their booster shots. Again it had to be proven that they had received them before they could start the new year of school. These kid's apparently are spreading highly infectious diseases because they are not vaccinated. Are you a parent with children in the NYC school system?


lunatoons291 t1_j7bu7w0 wrote

I never said they were being treated as an exception, not a rule, I said that Covid as a disease was an exception, not the standard by which we hold vaccinations in general. Have you ever had to show your measles vax to get into a restaurant? The policy where students coming into the school system from elsewhere having more time to provide their proof of vaccination is not a new policy and has been around for a while. The specific problem right now is the number of migrant families who are entering the system, which means that this policy is being scrutinized due to the issues that are arising. As I said in my original comment, I’m not here to discuss whether these students should be allowed to attend school until they can provide proof of vaccination, but if they don’t provide that proof within 30 days it’s moot anyway since they will not be able to attend at that point, having not met the standards (the same vax standards Ur precious kids are held to) within the time limit that students coming from elsewhere are given.

But go off and sue the school system because your kids are “forced to vax” and others are not if that’s what you still believe


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j7cyptu wrote

My kid's got their vaccinations long before they started their schooling. When they were babies. I just had to show the school the paperwork before they could start school. I wanted them vaccinated for their own protection.


Rottimer t1_j7gkbsy wrote

And that would be bullshit - because I know for a fact kids have started school without submitting their proof of vaccination, at which time the parents are either contacted by the school nurse and/or a letter is sent home.

I actually wish they enforced it as strongly as you suggest. They don't.


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j7h64tr wrote

Ever think your kids are just in a shit school where the administration doesn't give a fuck? I'm telling you about my experience with the school system. Why would I lie about something that hundreds of thousands of people experience? My kid's are now teenagers and they had to get the booster shots. With a letter from their doctor confirming that they had the shots. I'm not anti vacc. I think everyone should have them.


Rottimer t1_j7h9ok6 wrote

I’m not calling you antivax - I’m telling you that it’s highly unlikely that even your pristine public school barred kids from entering the school at the beginning of the year simply because they hadn’t submitted an updated vaccination form. The DoE gives you a lot of time to rectify that before enforcing the rules.


chug84 t1_j7eaw3v wrote

> they have 30 days from the start of the school year

which is complete bs because you can obviously spread shit from day one


scribbles23 t1_j7dl7ae wrote

In Democrat-run areas, non americans have special rights that citizens don't have.


Pennwisedom t1_j7eefsk wrote

Except this rule isn't for "non-Americans" but anyone transferring into the NYC system. As the article says:

>“Students transferring from another state or country, including asylum seekers, have 30 days from their enrollment to provide evidence of vaccinations or be in the process of acquiring vaccinations,” the guidance says.

So people from "other states", AKA, also Americans, have this same "right".


Rtn2NYC t1_j78gl2p wrote

So give them vaccines. What’s the problem. (Also this is standard vaccines- not Covid-19. There was a chickenpox outbreak)


Grass8989 t1_j78hfuu wrote

I guess the point is why were they allowed in school without first receiving the vaccines, when a resident wouldn’t be allowed in school without receiving them.


Double-Ad4986 t1_j78zhid wrote

agreed. it's not hard to get a vaccine here at ALL! they should have been required to have one before attending like the rest of us. Even teachers have to have one


[deleted] t1_j79hhqr wrote



Double-Ad4986 t1_j79kiax wrote

true but 1 dose is fine for entry and then they can follow up later


AnacharsisIV t1_j7bx4xx wrote

> You simply cannot withhold education because some vaccines need time.

We withhold children from schooling when they are a danger to their fellow students. Being unvaccinated makes them dangerous.


Silvery_Silence t1_j78np4y wrote

If you read what it said you’d see student transferees living in temporary housing have 30 days to comply and that includes students from other states, not just foreign or migrant children.


Grass8989 t1_j78xu33 wrote

Still doesn’t make sense, we have extremely strict vaccine guidelines for children of NYC residents, how does it make any sense to allow a flood of unvaccinated children in the school system?


TheElegantBouffalant t1_j797jgs wrote

As someone who transferred to NYC and didn't know about vaccine records (and my mom was no help), I'm glad that the school let me study until my other school sent them the records.

It's a small thing, but in most cases, most of the kids will have already been vaccinated, and it doesn't stop the child from learning.

Edit: LMAO fuck me for moving, I guess?


AsianMitten t1_j7codgk wrote

Agree but you do not know how many of them are vaccinated and one child is not the same as the thousands of children showing up at once. They already had an outbreak so treating it as an everyday occurrence is just being lazy and irresponsible of those in charge. But of course, this is America where many necessities are thinned out in a point that they barely function so that's that.


TheElegantBouffalant t1_j7d46xs wrote

> one child is not the same as the thousands of children showing up at once

That's very true, I hadn't thought about that.


Silvery_Silence t1_j78z29s wrote

I imagine they accommodate anyone in temporary housing and give them extra time to comply because those students by nature have unstable lives.


Remarkable_Landscape t1_j7ebbu2 wrote

I love that you're getting downvoted for pointing out homeless kids in non-English speaking families might need some slack getting their live in order. the brainworms on this subreddit when it comes to asylum seekers...


Silvery_Silence t1_j7ef2r3 wrote

Yep. Such sympathy and tolerance for…(checks notes)…homeless children. And again this policy as far as the article states doesn’t only apply to migrants but any child who transfers into nyc public schools and lives in transitional housing. People who ya know, may need some more time getting their paperwork and appointments in order.


Rottimer t1_j7gl54w wrote

While I'm sure it must have happened somewhere in the city, I have never known a kid to not be able to attend at the start because their vaccine paperwork had not been completed, or their vaccines were not up to date. I have known several parents who have submitted it "late" while their kids had been attending school for weeks.


kiklion t1_j79jeg3 wrote

Is there an issue with giving vaccines to people who already had them?

Like, they say they had the vaccine and got it when they were 2 but lost the records. Can you revaccine them at 6 without problem?


sternfan1523 t1_j7d7d81 wrote

Yes, much, much more concerned about the standard vaccines than Covid or flu or whatever. Kids not being vaxd against these can create a big problem


jonnycash11 t1_j7a4401 wrote

I would hate to be an immunocompromised student who caught tuberculosis or chicken pox from an illegal immigrant who had enrolled in a school without first having a medical exam that an ordinary citizen would be required to have. Almost seems like a double-standard.


bazewka t1_j7aeymo wrote

I honestly thought you couldn’t be enrolled at all without vaccines. o


VIK_96 t1_j7czrva wrote

I think it's like a truancy paradox.

If a kid over 4 but under 18 isn't in school, then that means they're committing truancy. But since they don't have the required vaccines, then they technically can't be in school.

So the schools are basically forced to pretend like they're not breaking their own vaccine rules.


unionmom4 t1_j7924jv wrote

The DOE has always given newly admitted students 30 days to get their first vaccinations. These new immigrants are no different.


Grass8989 t1_j793bl7 wrote

Right but since we are in a proclaimed “migrant crisis” maybe they should have adjusted the guidelines accordingly. This isn’t a singular unvaccinated kid entering a school, this is a significant number of potentially unvaccinated children entering the school system.


unionmom4 t1_j794k0c wrote

They have never done this. After the last crisis in Haiti, schools were inundated with new registrations, many of whom had no documentation, no vaccinations and no previous schooling. I don’t agree with this mandate, many of those children had tuberculosis and other diseases, but the DOE allows them to attend school for 30 days and potentially infect students and staff


ManhattanRailfan t1_j7axk7f wrote

Yeah, but if you say that, then the conservatives (who are almost universally antivax themselves so wtf?) who infest this subreddit wouldn't have an excuse to be racist.


AnacharsisIV t1_j7bwvin wrote

>The flood of migrant families into New York City is forcing schools to accept children who lack required vaccinations

Legit question, why? If these migrants are living in city-run shelters, don't most of them have either clinics or a liaison with city health and hospitals? Why can't scheduling these kids for vaccination be part of the intake process of getting them into NYC public schooling to begin with?


Remarkable_Landscape t1_j7eb2cg wrote

It isn't true, that's why. All transfer students have a window to get the required vaccines, based on the assumption its better they have a slight risk of infection over being a month behind in learning.

I don't know if you've ever lived in a NYC shelter, but while you get access to city funded stuff "fast" and "efficient" are not the word people usually use to describe the process.


Kozzzman t1_j78h96y wrote

Bout time the mumps made a comeback!


MVNY91410550 t1_j7b9afi wrote

Yeah if this is true, this outta order


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_j7cxte2 wrote

Look it's not one child it's hundreds of them and schools have had outbreaks of measles and chicken pox. Because they have relaxed the rules. You don't have kids yourself because you would know that your children are precious. You obviously didn't get that feeling as a child yourself that you were loved.


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Silvery_Silence t1_j78n6uy wrote

Lol, this will be confusing to people who are vociferously anti migrant but also anti vaxx ie, many trump voters.


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j79h8bq wrote

It will actually be confusing to the pro-vax, pro-migrant crowd. They are the ones that wanted "abti-vaxxers" kicked out of society, celebrated them losing their jobs because they are "selfish anti science right wingers and killing grandma" and "you need vaccines to go to school so getting the COVID vax shouldn't be an issue"

So these migrants aren't vaccinated, UH OH! Will they use that same anger and hatred towards them???


l0uisebrooks t1_j7b5brc wrote

Why must hatred be directed towards anyone? This is a systems problem.


Silvery_Silence t1_j7b7hku wrote

I don’t hate anyone. Any student in transitional housing has a month to comply with vaccine mandates. Not only migrants. And fyi the covid vaccine was never mandated in public schools for students.