Submitted by girl_from_the_crypt t3_10h64is in nosleep

Sitting on top of a craphouse in the middle of the night with a demonic two-headed bear creeping around below us really wasn't the outcome I'd hoped for that night. Casimir had regained some measure of control over himself. He pulled out his gun and took aim with steady hands. Just as he opened fire however, the beast let out another mad cry and started jumping and thrashing about before throwing itself against the side of the outhouse. It didn't even bother climbing, it simply decided to get us down. It was like it was playing with us.

The small structure shook and we were sent staggering, clinging onto each other to keep from falling. 

"Get it in the head!" I squeaked. "Hurry!"

"I can't!" Cas yelled. "It's moving around too much! Make it stay still!"

"How am I supposed to do that?" 

The bear bashed against the small building once more. Both my brother and I screamed as the outhouse fell. The bear was getting ready to charge, muscles twitching beneath its shaggy fur. It let out another roar, and I took note of a lower, higher-pitched sound swinging along in it like an undercurrent. A cold chill ran down my spine when I realized it came from the second head. Cas shot blindly at the creature as the two of us scrambled across the frozen ground, trying to get some distance between ourselves and the beast. Before it was able to lunge at us though, something descended upon it from above. My eyes flew open when I recognized the half-tree, half-stag creature pressing the stunned bear to the ground. 

"Kill it! Now!" the Leshy bellowed. 

Casimir needed a mere second to break free from his shocked stupor. Then he took aim and fired, eyes stone-cold. After three shots, the bear fell limp. The Leshy loosened his grip on the beast and withdrew from its body with a long sigh. I clapped my brother on the shoulder, and he grabbed onto my arm as if to steady himself. 

"Thank you, thank you so much," I uttered once I'd managed to catch my breath. 

To my surprise, the Leshy's body began to quiver, spasming and contorting in a way that made my heart sink. For a moment, I considered the possibility of the Bies having taken possession of the wood-demon now. But when he fell still and straightened up before us in his human form, I realized that he had merely allowed us to witness a transformation of his. 

"I thought you were a menace on your own, Fiona, but together with this foolish milksop, you could end not only these woods but the whole world altogether," he said. His words, despite their decidedly hostile nature, held little tonal venom. He wasn't actually angry with us, I could tell.

I was surprised once again when Cas stepped forth, extending his hand. "I'm Casimir. I'm Fiona's younger brother."

The Leshy left his hand hanging in the air for a few awkward seconds before taking it. I've never seen a handshake look sarcastic, but somehow, this one did. "I gathered," the Lord of the woods returned, shouldering his cudgel. "It's only the Novak kids who could muff things up this much. Are you two trying to get yourselves killed? Because that is how you'll get yourselves killed."

"Oh come on, you know it wasn't exactly easy!" I protested. "Also, I'm trying to protect you here. How would you have gone about this? Please, enlighten me."

A smile tugged on the wood-demon's lips, though he was visibly attempting to hide it. "All right, don't go stomping your little feet and yelling at me now; I feel like I'm being assaulted by a mad poodle."

Cas snorted. "You do look a bit like a poodle in that puffy dress," he remarked in a whisper.

"Oh no, you don't get to be saucy, boy," the Leshy warned. "Not when you're shaking like a leaf in front of me, thinking I won't notice. I smell fear, child, and you reek of it, no matter how hard you play the daredevil." He smirked. "And your hands are as soft as a lady's glove."

I broke into a laugh, the pent-up nervous energy finally draining from my body. 

My brother, blushing furiously, piped up again. "Just a second, I'm gonna assume that you are—"

"The name's Aleksei," the Leshy suddenly said, a warmth in his tone unlike anything I'd ever heard from him before. 

For a moment, I was stunned. "You're called Aleksei? Why'd you never tell me that?"

"You never asked." He shrugged. “Anyways, you two ought to be glad I stuck around the homestead. Maybe next time, let me know in advance so I don’t have to intervene at the very last second. But I know what you’ve been doing back there, and for what it’s worth, I’m…” He grimaced as if he was about to give voice to a thought that disagreed with his very nature. “Grateful… for, well, that. You actually came through for me.”

Deciding not to make the moment any more difficult for this prideful creature, I smiled and gave him a brief nod.

“I’m thinking maybe we should stick together,” he gritted out, like he was trying the words on for size. “I’d feel safer and I could keep you safe. I’m not much of a team player, so this isn’t exactly easy for me, but…” He trailed off, regarding me with probing eyes. 

I suppressed a very, very wide smile. “Would it be easier for you if I asked you for help? Something like, please, Sir, protect us?” 

The Leshy (Aleksei?) threw his head back, glancing heavenward as if to ask what he had done to be punished in such a manner. “I’m not that vain,” he grunted. “And you’d do well not to disrespect me, wench. I've saved your life twice now, and I could break your bones like twigs.”

“But you’re not gonna,” I said softly. 

He tilted his head. “No,” he replied quietly. “No, of course not.”

“Okay, so we’re all friends now?” Casimir asked, bouncing back and forth on his heels. “What’s our next step here? That thing, the Bies… I’m just gonna be the first one to say it scares the shit out of me.”

“Normally, I’d just call in a priest but I guess that’s not gonna work,” I added. “So, uh, Aleksei, any ideas whatsoever? I mean, you’re more like that thing than us…” Calling him by his name was simply awkward, and I decided not to do it again for a while. I motioned for us to get moving, starting off into the direction of the house once more. The Leshy followed reluctantly. 

“There’s not much I can tell you about that,” he replied. “The only reason I know what a Bies is in the first place is because this isn’t the first time I’ve met one. When I was really little… before we came here, that is…” He trailed off, lost in thought.

“Who’s we?”

“Unimportant. We didn’t kill that one either though, we basically just fled from it. But as for similarities between that creature and myself, I suppose neither of us is very manipulatable by spiritual energies. Yes, we both avoid religious items, but we can’t be killed by someone reading from a bible. We’re a little less sensitive in that aspect, but we also aren’t as powerful and a lot more vulnerable.”

“There’s no big Daddy-type who has your back,” Cas offered, and the Leshy touched a fingertip to his nose. 

“Exactly. If the black miller needs assistance, he has his master to fall back on. I don’t. But I’ve also sworn myself to nobody. There’s no higher entity I need to answer to. God has cast out me and those like me, so we can’t, say, cross a threshold if it’s been blessed, but we also can’t be destroyed by a cross being shoved in our faces.”

“So we’d need to trap that thing somehow,” I thought aloud, feeling myself get more excited by the second as an idea slowly began to worm its way into my foggy mind.

“We really ought to discuss that inside,” Cas remarked.

I started skipping, unable to suppress the spring that had suddenly entered my step. Once the three of us found ourselves inside my own living room, the Leshy looking around with furrowed brows, the words came spilling from my lips like a fountain. “So it can switch between bodies freely, right? If there was a way we could trap it inside a body though, and then either trap or kill that body, we could destroy it cleanly, once and for all. I know demons from hell can be trapped with a pentagram! I’ve seen Jacek do it.” To the Leshy, I added, “The black miller, you know? That's his name. He used my blood for a ritual on our first date.”

“That constitutes a date for you?” Cas threw in.

“Sure it does. Well, kinda. Doesn’t matter. But if you earth spirits can be manipulated using religious symbolism, too, that’d mean we could use that to trap the Bies inside of a body. Once it can’t leave anymore, we kill the body, and then it won’t be able to use it anymore, but it can’t exit it either. We know it’s not able to animate corpses, otherwise it wouldn’t leave the animals it uses behind once they’re dead. We’d basically be imprisoning the Bies forever. At least until the body has rotted away completely, but we don’t have to let it come to that.”

“We could make a kind of blessed coffin,” Casimir suggested readily. “Sounds dumb, but—"

“No, no, I know what you mean,” I interrupted him. 

“How do you intend to mark the body as blessed, though?” Aleksei inquired, stroking his beard. “Because it needs to be alive before the Bies enters it, and it has to be blessed when the demon is already inside.”

“That’s the tricky part,” I said. “It’ll be an icky affair, but hey, that’s what knives are for."

"What happened to you, gentle soul? I remember how you used to loathe bloodshed," the Leshy remarked.

"I still do. But it's necessary."

"So we're expecting a bit of a fight, are we?" Cas asked, wiping his brow. "Sucks, but I'm up for it. I think."

"Me too," Aleksei said comfortably, petting the couch cushion he was sitting on.

"We'll need to be quick about it, though. I bet we've made it pretty angry," I remarked. "It's probably out for revenge, and we've got to use whatever advantage that we got from smoking out its hideout. And we've got to be prepared for it to try and take possession of us, as well. That should be easy enough, though. We just all wear crosses and it'll be alright."

"And what about me?" the Leshy inquired.

"Oh, right," I mumbled. "I didn't think of that. Do you think you're strong enough to fend it off again? It'll definitely be a great risk, but you've done it every time thus far."

"I don't know. I didn't want to say this but I've gotten far sicker these last couple days." He sighed, burying his face in his palms. "I can feel the infection eating away at me."

I considered him with a tilted head. His affliction wasn't comparable to any one I'd ever known, but I figured it would do him some good to rest inside where it was warm and cozy. I extended the offer of staying over and he very reluctantly accepted. Seeing as it was rather late at this point, we figured depriving ourselves of sleep would do none of us any good. I went back up to my room. My whole body was aching and I had half a mind to fall asleep right away, but my thoughts were still running wild.

Despite myself, I found my fingers fumbling for my phone again. I typed and deleted the message to Jacek thrice before finally sending it.

"Are you still up?"

The reply came almost immediately. "Seem to be, yes. How did it go?"

"Good enough. No one died."

He sent a smiley. "I'm glad."

"We've also come up with something of a plan. I'm pretty optimistic."

"I wanna hear. I know it's late but call me?"

My heart leapt, and it did so once again when he picked up and greeted me with an adorably sleepy voice. I told him about our scheme and he said it sounded just fine. 

"The only thing you haven't mentioned yet, how are you going to set the trap?" he argued. "I mean, how are you going to motivate the Bies to possess the body you're going to use as bait? And what body is that even going to be? Will you just watch out for the thing to take over another creature and fight that? Or are you going to pick something out? And if you do, what's it gonna be? It's gotta be something that's easy enough to fight, so a weaker kind of animal would do nicely, but the Bies isn't likely to attempt to possess that. Not if it's out for your blood."

"I see what you mean," I replied, chewing on my bottom lip. "What do you suggest?"

"A human would certainly be more appealing to it. It could do more damage in a human form, I think. Especially since it would allow it to, like, sneak up on people. I don't know if the Bies is actually going to possess a human next, or if it even has enough of a mind to consider the pros and cons, but… I would." 

"M-hm. So we'd need a human sacrifice, is what you're saying?" 


"I really don't wanna do that."

"Understandable, but if you want to bait it, that's your only option. And it also begs the question who you'd be using." He paused, and I could practically hear him smile. "There is, of course, a rather attractive option—"

"Tom Hayes," I muttered. 

“Precisely. How about him? He’s responsible for several deaths. Besides, he did capture your soul, by means still unknown to us. And he tried to blackmail you, he spread news about your property, abused your trust; the list goes on.”

"Yeah but what if he's not actually in his right mind? The Bies can plant ideas in people's heads; what if Tom Hayes has been influenced by it? That'd make more sense than him just being a deranged murderer."

Jacek sighed. "Don't turn your mind over with all of that. That only makes it harder to follow through. How are you gonna choose a human to kill like that? It's as if you're looking for reasons not to."

"No shit," I snorted. "Do I have any other options, though?"

He hummed. "Technically, you do. But they involve me. You could always ask nicely and then I could bring you up a sinner, is what I'm saying." His gruff voice had an amused edge to it. "But that would leave you with the question of what to do with Hayes when this is all over."

"I guess so." I groaned, stretching in bed. "I'll sleep on it. So what are you doing right now?" I asked, trying to get my mind off the murder-stuff for the moment. 

"I'm taking a bath, actually. Got a death grip on the phone here." He let out a chuckle that sent a warm shiver up my spine.

"Brave," I remarked. "So you got your own place?"

"Of course. I'm hella messy, though. I could never let you see it. I oughta be embarrassed, really."

That kind of got us talking and I ended up falling asleep with him still on the phone. I realized that when I woke up to a text from him mocking how I allegedly snored. I took some time this morning to think about everything and clear my head. The Leshy is snoozing on my couch, which is definitely weird, especially since he's in his "true" form again. What's more concerning is how small he's gotten. He actually fits into my living room. I don't want to know what's going to happen to the woods if he really were to die.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 18



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chalaismyig t1_j56q9rp wrote

Tom Hayes as a sacrifice, I was totally going for that. But I wonder if there's a way to find out if he was the only one behind all of this.

Will killing the Bies really cure Leshy?

Aw long, late night talks with your (not but totally still is) boo thang, how romantic!


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j56qwoz wrote

I don't think I'm convinced. It's obviously the idea that presents itself, but I have a feeling I'll regret using him. There's a lot he and I have to talk about, if you catch my drift, and I need to save the Leshy RIGHT AWAY. So I might actually go with the option Jacek offered.


KrymsinTyde t1_j57mh2b wrote

I notice that you completely skipped over the last reference to your relationship with Jacek. Something you’d care to disclose? 😉


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j57n1ms wrote

First place my brain went... Like Jacek said, he's the perfect choice.

"Bring up a sinner..." Well. We know one person who's still alive in hell...


chalaismyig t1_j57ordb wrote

No way, she can't sacrifice her brother!


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j57pt83 wrote

Hopefully not. Tom Hayes is right there.

But honestly...Nick would make her, given the chance...


mercyis4theweak t1_j58hkb7 wrote

i would if said brother killed 42 people


karmadovernater t1_j5gabpg wrote

By using the brother she'll be saving him from the torture cells. So I say keep him there.


AnandaPriestessLove t1_j58iy46 wrote

Well, tbf if it was my brother and he was a mass murderer, I would consider it atonement.🤷‍♀️


karmadovernater t1_j5ga760 wrote

A brother who has killed 42 innocents. Amongst which would be ppls nice brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, moms and dads. She has no connection with him. Hasn't even seen him forever. Plus tbh I think he should stay in hell and suffer. If she brings him up to sacrifice. All that will happen is he'll get a break from being tortured to death constantly so she'll actually be doing good for him. I just how he goes back to his cell after.


Skakilia t1_j56u82q wrote

Awwww. Save Aleksei! I'm worried about him. I know he's still a wildly dangerous wood spirit, but he obviously holds a kind of respect for you, and I get the feeling that's not easy to do!


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j56w0hf wrote

Yeah, he's a vain one, so I feel even more flattered by him expressing regard for me. And of course I'll save him! He's my home.


mossgoblin t1_j5738mr wrote

Worried about our grumpy tree man.

Feeling mildly suspicious of how much Jacek wants us to do a bit of light premeditated murder.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j574low wrote

Grumpy tree man <3

Oh, I wouldn't be suspicious. It's just his nature. His whole personality is just MuRdEr. I'm kidding ofc, but also not??? Oh I don't even know. I never know with that man.


Bismothe-the-Shade t1_j5ragqw wrote

Well, he is an agent of hell whose insides twist and squirm with blackened flame, and who's working towards a torturous ending for the entire world of humankind.

Like, idk how to feel about him but I'm definitely turned on... Which means probably not good things v_v


Aettras t1_j56w0ha wrote

There is a particular serial killer you know who could be an option for sacrifice... If you can get in contact and get him there, anyway.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j56w7bw wrote

Oh God. I don't want that.

I don't want that.

He's my brother


TheBumblingBee1 t1_j5701uj wrote

Yeah...I can't imagine having to carve something on the skin of your own brother...

Seems a bit like punishing yourself, too.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j570fjb wrote

I'm sure Jacek would get me another sinner.


karmadovernater t1_j5gatwg wrote

You'll actually be helping your brother. Being the sacrifice is way nicer than being in the torture cells wouldn't your say.


TheBumblingBee1 t1_j56znlg wrote

I've been waiting too long for your update on the bear situation! Lol.

It's so cute that you fell asleep with Jacek on the phone. 😁


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j571g99 wrote

Yeahhh sorry, I had to take a breather lol.

You're damn right, I'm cute.

Nooo I know what you mean. I'm feeling so fucking confused cuz of Jacek... I mean, he says it's over, and then he pulls sweet crap like that?? I know I gotta accept whatever decision he makes but I just feel we'd be so good together. I know I'm dumb for worrying about that right now. There's so much more at stake.


TheBumblingBee1 t1_j57gr2g wrote

We all need a breather sometimes! I'm just teasing.

Romance is a huge part of our lives as people. Plus it's probably healthy to have something other than your peril to think about!


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57hgt9 wrote

I'm glad you feel that way


JaguarLong1936 t1_j58qjp0 wrote

For someone who says she doesnt have a soul and cant feel love...this feels a lot like a development is this not maybe how your soul and body reunite...


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j57nhoc wrote

He knows it's not actually over. He's just trying to protect himself from being hurt again. He already lost his heart once, it's not like he can love again as it stands...unless, like someone said the other day, he can make like the Grinch and his heart grows three sizes again!

Assuming there's anything left of it there. But...I'm almost positive there's at least a sliver still in there...


The_Dorable t1_j576f3z wrote

Falling asleep on the phone with your ex while your new man sleeps in the other room? Tsk, tsk


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j57oazg wrote

To be fair...calling the Leshy a "man," regardless of his shape, is still a bit of a stretch.

And just because she did the dirty with him and half the forest doesn't mean she's into him like that...


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57updl wrote

...the way you phrase it makes it sound insanely incriminating. But seriously, the Leshy's not "my man." And he'd likely be highly offended at the use of a possessive pronoun there


Eliz318 t1_j56vtpk wrote

I think you should take Jacek up on his offer. Tom Hayes has way too much to answer for & you don’t have the time to find out all you need to know before he’d have to be sacrificed. Plus ya know…. You’d get to see Jacek😏 Aleksei is just too adorable btw. I’m glad he has a proper name!


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57vhoo wrote

I'm glad you understand both my main and secondary reason :D

Right?? It's so weird calling him by a name tho


DevilMan17dedZ t1_j572keg wrote

Aleksei, we've got to find a way to heal you. On the other hand, I'm glad you all survived the bear. Scary shit.


Tytticus t1_j572ks4 wrote

Not to make light of your situation, but aww, you're so in love! Falling asleep on the phone together is just ridiculously adorable! And look how eager he is to hear from you. The man is smitten. He's trying so hard to stay guarded with you, and yet his resolve cracks the moment you reach out to him. He just can't help himself.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j574b1h wrote

That's... kind of a nice thought. I know I've bigger stuff to worry about, but I keep wondering about him. I sort of think he likes me, sort of. He's really giving me mixed messages. If he does like me, I hope he'll drop his guard yet.


Petentro t1_j57xbh9 wrote

So Slavic mythology isn't exactly my strong suit. In fact this is in all honesty something I only know because of insomnia fueled Wikipedia rabbit holes but at any rate..... isn't this the one you carve a little wooden doll for? Make it look cool and then you can trap it in it?

At this point it likely wants the leshy(Consider that it might already have him partially. He was oddly forward with giving his name especially considering that he was just arguing with that one bitch about stealing your name)...... anyway carve a little leshy doll and see what happens?


krgj t1_j56v5wg wrote

A leshy named Lyosha. Hehehe


PandaBennington t1_j57850w wrote

Hayes is unfortunately perfect.

Jacek... It's still there.

And you best save Aleksei girl! He's your buddy now. I have total faith in you. Good luck. 🧡


chalaismyig t1_j57flo5 wrote

Well aren't they kinda more than friends since the sauna? 👀


PandaBennington t1_j57hp7s wrote


There were quite a few attendees that night...

God I hope the Bannik was left out of that.. 😬


chalaismyig t1_j57hzy5 wrote

🤭😏 well she did have to wash off some unmentionable substances off in the shower so... 😅

Also here's my shameless pun: She got some Leshy fleshy lol


PandaBennington t1_j57kdzd wrote

Oh God. I don't wanna picture Bannik fluids 🤮

Cas would find that hilarious!! 🤣

Kink shaming the poor girl.


Writerhowell t1_j57gf41 wrote

If you weren't trying to keep hidden from the world, I'd ask for your address so I can send a get well soon card to Aleksei. I make greeting cards as a hobby, and I'm bound to have a couple of get well soon cards stashed somewhere. If not, I could make them.

I don't suppose you could get a hula hoop and carve pentagrams into it, then throw it over the Bies to trap it?


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57vmst wrote

Naww that's sweet. I'm sure it'd stroke his ego enough for him to appreciate it haha. Also, what a cool creative activity! I don't suppose so.


phryneas t1_j57b97z wrote

It could still all be Jaceks doing, and he is just using poor Tom as a scapegoat. Three years and he didn't notice you being soulless, with his background? Gotta be a bluff.


chalaismyig t1_j57g4q3 wrote

Hmmm OMG what if Jacek is secretly behind the rabbit currently being missing and the note was a ploy to get Fiona to reach out to him?!? And he made Hayes write the note and post videos to the wannabe cryptid hunters?! Hmmm and is somehow involved with the Bies, getting it to wreck havoc so Fiona has to ask Jacek to come back and help?! Ahh


phryneas t1_j57i0dd wrote

Who says Hayes is even involved?
It was Jaceks spell that yelled out Hayes' name.

According to Fiona, Tom felt normal when she interrogated him.


chalaismyig t1_j57i7oj wrote

Yes! We're possibly on to something! Although kinda hoping our hunch about Jacek is wrong.. I do love a happy, romantic ending..


phryneas t1_j57ikm7 wrote

A happy ending would be nice, but what if Jacek just wants Fiona to sacrifice an innocent person so he can have her forever... in hell?


chalaismyig t1_j57iqh6 wrote

Hmm.. but would it still count since it was sorta unintentional?


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57vz01 wrote

I don't think so. It's been ten years, if he were to pull such a stunt, I believe he would have done so already


chalaismyig t1_j57w4dk wrote

I hope you're right... I guess I'll go back to shipping you two then!


TadpoleOfDoom t1_j58lw7z wrote

If he really wanted to piss you off he'd probably have just told you he killed your brother


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j57o1pm wrote

I do not approve of this line of thought!

Jacek might be, well, a bit evil...but he's not, like evil evil. And in spite of everything that happened between them, there's still a spark inside him for Fiona. He wouldn't deliberately hurt her, no matter how hurt he had been.

And he knows what those woods mean to not just her, but her family. He respected her mother; he wouldn't harm something she had loved.

This isn't him. If Tom Hayes is innocent, it's because the Bies had been controlling him...not Jacek!


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57w5wv wrote

I feel the same way! And while my ex is definitely evil, I don't think I'd ever have to be afraid of him. He wouldn't. If for nothing else, then solely out of love for my late mother.


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j588phk wrote

Which...hey! If he still has love left for her, and we know he does...that means there's still something left of his heart!


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57vuos wrote

I highly doubt that. I mean, he wasn't as experienced then as he is now, and there was much more humanity still in him. Besides, if he'd have suspected anything, surely he would have simply brought it up to me? I was his girlfriend, after all.


phryneas t1_j597q6s wrote

I'm rooting for the two of you - but still, be careful!


Kilrona t1_j57ymah wrote

You can look to use Tom Hayes in two ways.

One, out right the sacrifice. Don't let him know. Somehow get him closer to where the Bies likes to lurk. Obviously you can get him angry, or make him seem armed with a gun with no ammunition (not to be known to Tom).

Or two, offer Tom Hayes a choice. He can opt out of the deal if he can get your soul back. If he gives that back, send him packing with a promise (the more binding, the better) to never mention, allude, post anything about this place and to never come back. If he doesn't agree, then you gave him an honest chance and your conscious is clean. If he chooses to live and Aleksei gets his own revenge on Tom before he leaves the woods... well, then, I don't think anyone's heart will bleed much over that.

Right now, the knowledge Tom Hayes possesses is important to getting your soul back. But it won't matter much if the Bies destroys your home.


S4njay t1_j580cgb wrote

Awww, Daddy Jacek off to your rescue again! Can't wait for Fiocek to reunite 💕

He's facing stiff competition from Aleksei, though... it's love triangle time!


coilycat t1_j58h1ol wrote

Don't sacrifice Tom without getting info on your soul's whereabouts!


Nature_Dweller t1_j57o4hk wrote

Awww poor Leshy. I wish I could heal him. I may be able to but I'm not going over there. You can't make me. I also think you and Jacek make a great couple. The best couple.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57u9c2 wrote

Firstly, I totally understand and I feel the same way!

And we would, wouldn't we? :)


ashleyxokidd t1_j59viys wrote

Girl you might not have realized the love you had for him back then but you definitely realize it now. Take it and run!!! That type of connection is so rare. I have a man that I’ve been with now for 6 years but we’ve been best friends since we were weird little tweens. Don’t let him go, especially since he can keep you warm on a cold winters night in more than a few ways 😭😅


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j59w4t1 wrote

Aww. You're so sweet! And yeah, I guess he could; him being a living torch and all that


MizzCroft t1_j57rou0 wrote

Oh noooo Leshy!!!! That breaks my heart actually. You should have Jacek help because why not? The more on your team the better right? Hopefully you guys will be okay. Definitely use Tom as the sacrifice I mean I'm the same way but you really don't have a choice and what better person to use? Of course I'm not the one having to make the decision so it's so easy to say. I can't imagine the burdens you bear all the time. Wish I could fix it for you.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57u6hp wrote

You're very sweet... See, the thing about Tom Hayes is, I'm gonna punish him anyways, but my goal was to keep him alive until he's answered all my questions, and boy do I have a lot. And I need to take care of the Bies right away, so if I saved Hayes for later, that'd allow me to carry out the interrogations in peace.

Thank you so much for your support


the-darksider t1_j58t2zp wrote

#save Aleksei!!!! (Such a beautiful name.. 😭) Also.. I hope you are feeling better now sis, and please don't ever feel bad for taking a break.. I am obsessed with your story lol but I will wait forever for an update!!! We ain't stopping!


petiteasianbae t1_j57v1te wrote

I’m stuck between Team Jacek and Team Leshy, but I’m so worried about Aleksei given he gets so significantly weaker the last few days 🥺


Caffeinated_Spoon t1_j57yd4l wrote

If you don't swoop the Leshy up, I'm sure many here will for you, lol


Traditional-Panda-84 t1_j580tgv wrote

It makes sense for it to be Hayes. Jacek is correct, you need to do something to prevent him from doing this again. Maybe it's the Bies's influence on Hayes, but maybe not. Sometimes things get messy, and we don't get a clean slate.

I hope Aleksei gets better. I don't know what happens to a Leshy's woods when they pass.

Wishing you the best on this next endeavor.


ashleyxokidd t1_j59ivtg wrote

You wouldn’t know of a Forrest spirit/creature that hums would you? The thing I encountered I never saw. It was able to disorient me and my mom though it seemed like it could make it darker or rotate the land. I’s hum was loud as if there were concert speakers set up around the land, but it was calming. Though as soon as you came to your senses and realized you shouldn’t be hearing this you’re instantly horrified. I’d never been so afraid of the big energy I felt from whatever this was.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j59kgqv wrote

My Leshy hums and whistles sometimes. One can hear him on quiet days, laughing to himself. Maybe there was a Leshy in your woods? Maybe that's what you heard? It's the first thing that comes to mind.


ashleyxokidd t1_j59ksp3 wrote

I honestly have no idea! I’m not so used to the woods I was living out at my aunt at the time and she’s surrounded by woods and farmland. I was getting out of the car and it’s less than 2 feet in front of the woods it was already 12 am so hearing this overwhelmingly smooth but deep toned hum was insane and I almost walked toward it into the woods until my mom made me realize this isn’t something we should be hearing. It was certainly alluring that’s for sure.


knochentablettenzeit t1_j59nczi wrote

alexei lives

verify your clock

there is much to be done


hoiboi10 t1_j59puin wrote

The brainrot is everywhere. There is no escaping what lies in you unconcioucness


Hindufury t1_j5bg278 wrote

Something isn't adding up with all this. Your mom's words to you keep ringing in my head, that you are a part of someone, and how their last turns to hunger. Now Jacek is literally being the Devil's advocate to kill Tom which would let Nick have claim over you? And the Leshy, suddenly weak and needy? Also the Leshy came to the forest with something that he wont disclose even after being so vulnerable with you. A lot of coincidental happenings. I may be seeing threads that connect everything.


lexancer t1_j59a4nh wrote

keep leshy alive!


Michal_17 t1_j59mvh4 wrote

I guess Team Leshy is officially rebranding to Team Aleksei.


EnigmaticSpextre t1_j59vpyw wrote

Remain calm.

The Regent endures.

Aleksei Lives.


lovable_cube t1_j5aazyj wrote

Honestly, I’d go with the random sinner. It’ll be easier on your conscience if you murder a stranger. Bonus points if you can pick a pedo or something.


Smackgods t1_j5douss wrote

I’m so curious what Aleksei’s other form looks like, somehow I missed that his true form isn’t the only one!


ArgiopeAurantia t1_j5eblke wrote

I feel like you guys jumped to "human sacrifice is our only option" a little quicker than I would have.

But maybe this is why I don't get to go to the forest orgies and you do.


danielleshorts t1_j5labrl wrote

So, the Leshy has a sense of humor ( assaulted by a mad 🐩) 🤣. Who'da thunk it?


blazingbarbie_ t1_j5s5772 wrote

our grumpy tree man needs to not die bc my heart will shatter 😤😤😤😤😤😤


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Independent_Long9457 t1_j5qaslo wrote

If anything happens to Tree Grandpa, I'm going to kill the Bies myself with my bare hands.


CuteKLeeXo t1_j62z7hc wrote

I feel so sad for leshy 😓


BarkingOpossum t1_j6fmrna wrote

I hope leshy will be ok he’s really grown on me