Submitted by ulfr t3_10l5hjg in nosleep

Part 2:

Up until yesterday, I would've said my dog was absolutely fearless.

I've watched all 35lbs of him tell off a full sized Great Dane without batting an eyelash at the dog park. He defeated the Roomba monster, could care less about thunder, and will actually supervise a room being vacuumed.

Last night though? He actually whimpered and started shaking.

We were taking our usual nightly walk around 8pm, about a mile long going past my town's elementary school. Next to the school is a patch of swampy woods. Normally there are street lights evenly spaced along the road. This whole week though the street lights were winking out one by one. It's been mighty cold lately, maybe the new LEDs couldn't take the cold, right?

Well, maybe not.

We get to the patch of woods next to the school and my dog just freezes in place. I walk up next to him and ask him what's wrong. And he's just staring into the darkness, frozen in place, starting to shiver.

When I touch him? He didn't respond.

Then I heard some ice crackle, and my pup noped the heck out of there. Started whimpering and SPRINTING back towards home.

I might have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. I was feeling the creepy crawlies now too. So we started beating feet back towards home.

He didn't let up the entire time, and I was having trouble keeping up and keeping my footing, so I never really got a good look at anything behind us, though lord knows I looked over my shoulder when I was able. Really only saw something indistinct in the dark. Larger than the rabid fox I dragged my pup away from last week, smaller than an adult human.

It wasn't a child. Not on a night that cold. Surely not.

We make it home safe and sound, and my dog doesn't even pause for a treat. He sprints up the stairs, jumped on the bed in the guest room, and stared out the window, still shaking.

I looked too, didn't see anything, and just shrugged it off. Was weird, but it is what it is, right?


This morning while I was rolling my garbage cans back up towards my house my neighbor grabbed my attention, wants me to take a look at something.

There's a set of tracks in the snow, leading up to his chicken coop. Very small sneakers that walked onto his lawn from the road and up to his chicken coop. Which looked like a horror movie. Blood and feathers everywhere, no other damage. No signs of any birds.

When I say no other damage I mean the chicken wire wasn't damaged and the only way in was a door. Which was closed.

A similar set of sneaker tracks lead back from the coop to the road.

I started getting a creepy crawly feeling, goosebumps and all. I tell my neighbor about my experience last night walking the dog. He starts shifting uncomfortably too.

The dog was his normal happy courageous self today, seemed like nothing had happened last night.

Until just now, when I grabbed his harness for walkies. Called him, no response.

He's back at the window in the guest room, staring and shivering.

Only this time there's something I can see under the street light out front of my house.

A child. Standing there in the cold staring at my house, not moving or shivering despite the cold. Dark brown clotted blood running down his chin and onto his chest, and a bloated stomach.

As soon as I made eye contact with the child? The street light went pop! and there was darkness. I am scared shitless and just locked all the windows and doors in my house, but if someone wants in? They're gonna get in.

What the fuck is it? Do I call the cops?



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Wise_Drop_7152 t1_j5w0pr7 wrote

Put salt around all your windows and doors, grab the garlic for good measure...


h0tglue t1_j5xpoxq wrote

Now that you mention it I am wondering about the dual-action warding power of garlic salt.


ulfr OP t1_j60fxqh wrote

Done did that very thing.


JenGosling t1_j5vrp6l wrote

I'd try leaving out a bowl of milk as an offering? Maybe it will leave your house alone after that?


ulfr OP t1_j5vvkdt wrote

Uh, when milk freezes it's not so great for consumption...

I'm also not setting foot outside until I can see what's outside.


Mysterious-Mist t1_j5xml9a wrote

You know what they say about feeding strays….


JenGosling t1_j5xoafv wrote

If it's something ancient like a fae, it won't thank you for calling it a stray...


DevilMan17dedZ t1_j5w798h wrote

Black Eyed Bastards don't seem to be too far away.. Good Luck.


External-Bath3549 t1_j5w4uas wrote

It will move on. If you're not religious, then you may want to reconsider that and make a conscientious effort to get right with the positive forces in the universe who CAN take this sort of entity into custody (yes. They have to obey universal laws as well)and remove it from your area or at the very least, will protect your home and all thresholds leading therein. Good luck. And don't pay it any additional attention, it's not only fed on those poor chickens but it obviously can absorb and discharge energy at will. You, having free will and dominion over your pup, have authority to deny it feeding off of your fear and anxiety.


ulfr OP t1_j5wgo1a wrote

Yeah... Only problem is I don't think it subsists solely on feels.

A kid went missing walking home from that school a week ago. Lived a quarter mile down the road from the school. Never made it home after drama practice


External-Bath3549 t1_j6mczu2 wrote

Unfortunately, it probably had something to do with the child's disappearance. Especially if it's started to set up a sort of territory. I wouldn't be surprised if it was summoned by someone unwittingly or a natural manifestation of unclean spirits taking up shop in a vacant place. Look, if you feel this is REAL EVIL, then the other side of that coin is REAL GOOD and that power is immeasurable. The poor innocent people that simply vanished into thin air one day and never returned, has been happening for as long as humans have been on this planet. There IS A FORCE that can and WILL bring them all back. From parallel dimensions, from death, from capture. You focus on what you can do to protect you and your loved ones with that reality.

YHWH be with you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏


ulfr OP t1_j6mtgik wrote

I actually went and spoke with a priest about my situation after things started to escalate. He gave me a referral.


External-Bath3549 t1_j6n36gv wrote

Did you happen to recieve any spiritual counsel? The devil knows who God is, and "Faith without works is dead". As an example, have you ever seen a horror movie (curious how many demonic ones there are nowadays, but I digress) and the priest or a character had a crucifix as a deterrent and "symbol" of Christ Power to expel it and all of a sudden, the demon laughs and mocks their effort? Well, that's because the power isn't in the relics of "faith" or the so-called "blessed" objects one possesses for protection. It's not like a magic word one has to utter and then, "poof" it all goes away. If we're speaking on a plot of land that this entity (pretty sure there are many more there) its best not to kick the hornets nest with trying to get a church involved. Seeking help comes from our personal relationship with the Living God (Proverbs 83:18, John 6:44) even if you don't have a Bible, if you're not a particularly religious person, I urge you to at least Google these Bible verses in order that you can see what needs to happen with your foundation of faith. A good strong foundation that cannot be shaken (Matthew 7:24 & 25). If we're speaking on your house, you have the authority to bless your house. You have the right to expel evil away from you and your family (that includes your fur baby puppy) and remember that Faith is, as Hebrews chapter 11 verses 1 and 2 (I'd go on and read 3 for good measure)..[the] assured expectation of realities not seen..".

Please, whatever happens, you must continue to pray and stand firm. I will pray for you.


ulfr OP t1_j6ni7x9 wrote

When I spoke with the priest he said this was outside his area of responsibility, and referred me to a separate party to handle the situation.

I'd like to think he sent up a prayer for me, but my faith has been more along the lines of 'to whom it may concern' rather than any specific deity.

I've got utmost respect for Christianity and anyone following any particular religion, but after my pastor called the FBI on me over a misunderstanding I've taken a step back from any particular faith. Read most of the holy books and came to the determination that for me personally? It doesn't seem to matter which one you worship so long as you do your utmost to not be a detriment to the world around you and if able, leave the world a better place than when you found it. Or it found you as the case may be


External-Bath3549 t1_j6nqmwj wrote

I respect your position. There is someone (above any religious station any 1 man can be in) that wants what's best for us. For you. I'm certain that in these calamitous times, you'd agree, that something dark is trying to get us to destroy ourselves and the world around us. Humans are naturally spiritual creatures and that element is such a huge part of self care. So, as it were, if for example, you'd maybe fall behind on a good meal, or a shower, or even brushing your teeth lol, you should be mindful not to neglect your spiritual health. May the Great Creator guide your journey away from darkness and may your light shine brighter than the midday. Don't let THEM (the dark ones) lure you into a false sense of security with regard to its child-like disguise. Give that pup some ear scratches and love from me. Your Christian Reddit Aly, Sabs


MindlessAd373 t1_j5xmynj wrote

You need to find your gods and protect yourself according to your cultural or regional beliefs


mrs-chapa t1_j5xgkuq wrote

Yes you call the cops what are you waiting for???


ShadarL0g0th t1_j5ybpjy wrote

Who is the Grangrel that broke the Masquerade by embracing a child and leaving it in the woods?


Both_Row5519 t1_j5yqkxr wrote

If you start to see more than one overtime I’d be careful and stay out of the woods. It sounds like Black eyed children whatever you do don’t let them in!


Spiritual-Employ-164 t1_j5x9eph wrote

Try to get a video recording of it whenever you can. I know that this is gonna be the last thing that you think of when something is happening or your dog is letting you know that something is outside, but you need proof. Since it's an entity, the police probably won't be able to help you at all. Try to get some video evidence of its existence so that you can take that proof to a church or something. They can't not believe you once you show proof. If you don't want to leave the house, try to get a phone number for a church or something and tell them that you need help urgently. They might even be able to bless your house, if you have proof when they come over, show them. You might even be able to talk to your neighbour so that you both can get proof. Other than that, i would follow the advice of others and put salt at every entrance, windows included. Also, be careful with leaving offerings. The entity could see this as you giving it the okay to enter your home and maybe do some research on the woods where you saw it. Maybe somebody else has had issues with it too.


Noctazar t1_j5y4y5f wrote

I say it was a child vampire.


Fancy-Mix-399 t1_j61vl7c wrote

Please sprinkle salt around your home. Along windowsills and doorways. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you. Or whoever is the protector in your faith. I will put a hedge of protection around you and your home and puppy. Like some say don’t answer the door. Be sure you know who it is first. Forgo the walks a bit. Be observant and smart. Blessings be sweetie.