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relddir123 t1_j9g2qhx wrote

What kind of preschool will just let a kid go with anyone claiming to be their grandparent? That’s just irresponsible, and likely illegal too. Hopefully Grace makes it out okay.


scarymaxx OP t1_j9g3kpa wrote

It was completely infuriating… and totally unsurprising. This was a cash-only home daycare type place. Unfortunately, it was all I could really afford at the time while I was running the airb&b and job hunting


Sarcastic_Lilshit t1_j9hgkfa wrote

Do your kids know about the house now? It felt implied.


diddinim t1_j9hlktl wrote

It doesn’t matter if they know or not. Unless they’re on the deed, they won’t remember


ThatsNoMoOnx t1_j9p51n3 wrote

I have the same question! Noone can even pick my child up from high school without being on a pick up list. Omg this makes me want to immediately home school my child lol....