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hateitorleaveit t1_izyplt5 wrote

Sorry to hear that. But still how would you know? How would anyone know? We don’t even know who did it, where in the world are you getting details even beyond that


auntieup t1_izyqyox wrote

My brother in Christ, this is a matter of public record.


hateitorleaveit t1_izyrjt1 wrote

Why are you so upset about asking how you know that? Lol perfectly reasonable question. Is it stated in this link you shared? I can’t find any info on it in there. Maybe I missed it


auntieup t1_izysg9e wrote

I think you miss a lot of things, lmao. Have a better day.


hateitorleaveit t1_izysqj1 wrote

Lol ok so you don’t know. Which is obvious because logically it would be impossible to know, it’s ok. Then just enjoy my joke. Sorry I exposed you lol it was meant to be playful
