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smokinJoeCalculus t1_ivp5tc6 wrote


Indercarnive t1_ivp69oi wrote

Seriously. As nice as this election was for democrats it still doesn't give them any ability to stop the Supreme Court from ruling States can do whatever they want with elections next year.


NPD_wont_stop_ME t1_ivqbss5 wrote

Republicans are so big on states rights but blue governors and legislatures aren't gonna take kindly to that shit. If Republicans wanna push the envelope, overturn elections and steal Congress then hopefully Democrats adapt because there really isn't any other choice. It's that or we allow ourselves to be steamrolled by the fascists.

I really dread that Moore v. Harper ruling and at this point with our far-right 6-3 SC it seems like a foregone conclusion. It would be more practical to think about solutions / workarounds and I'm sure there are politicians in DC that have thought about this. Time will tell.


theedgeofoblivious t1_ivrz0oc wrote

Republicans aren't big on states' rights.

If prioritizing the state over individual rights gives them the outcome they want, they say "States' rights."

If not, they wield the Federal Government just as much as Democrats.


processedmeat t1_ivplp1a wrote

Would you have win a 4 year term or a lifetime appointment. Tough decision


smokinJoeCalculus t1_ivpnhow wrote

> Would you have win a 4 year term or a lifetime appointment.

Not sure I understand, apologies.


processedmeat t1_ivpoohg wrote

I'm agreeing with you just putting it another way.


TUR7L3 t1_ivpra3c wrote

Did you mean rather?

>Would you rather win a 4 year term, or a lifetime appointment? Tough decision


AdkRaine11 t1_ivr0328 wrote

We should work on age and term limits. Wizen old people, going back to Washington, year after year, to curry favors from lobbyists, inside trade and make decisions that effect other people organs that they buried years ago.


--zaxell-- t1_ivqdbix wrote

Because he's 170 years old and even turtles shouldn't live that long.