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Deranged40 t1_iy9j91l wrote

> but sounds like an accident.

I think ambulance chasing lawyers are bullshit, I really do. But such barriers are largely there to reduce the harm accidents cause.

The barriers in front of gas stations aren't there to prevent lunatics hellbent on malice, it's there to prevent drunk drivers from accidentally "parking too close". The hope is that only the dumbass's truck gets hurt, not the store.


GoArray t1_iy9kez6 wrote

Right, and the barriers around gas pumps are a requirement, per code. I (highly) doubt bollards are required en-masse and code was simply ignored.

The only case to possibly be made here is against the gov't, and even then it's likely only a case to change the code not compensate the victims.

I say possibly because such a code seems very unlikely to have much support.


Deranged40 t1_iy9koms wrote

> Right, and the barriers around gas pumps are a requirement, per code.

I'm talking about the barriers in front of the all-glass walls of most gas stations. ([Example]( Notice the red bollards in front of the store) I've seen drunk people run right into them before. Usually slow enough that the damage was minor or not visible at all. But it's a glass wall that wasn't shattered that night.

The purpose of them is to reduce the damage that is caused by accidents. Bumping one of those might be as simple as just a scratch on your car, while that same bump will shatter a glass wall which can be very dangerous.

Likewise, the reason there is a code requiring them in some situations is to reduce the danger that accidents might cause. That's why they are required around gas pumps, to reduce the likelihood that a simple accident such as mistaking the gas pedal for the brake pedal will cause a very dangerous situation like a large uncontrollable fire.

It's not very farfetched at all to think that another situation where code requires these are around tall glass walls.


GoArray t1_iy9lcsa wrote

Either way, I doubt it's a requirement (in this instance at least) otherwise they would have been installed. Commercial isn't like res where some handyman says "I won't tell the city if you don't!"


permalink_save t1_iyani75 wrote

Sometimes they are to protect people but the store I worked out really put then up to prevent people from ramming the doors to steal shit.