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angiosperms- t1_iujs6uc wrote

If aliens are coming to earth to watch us I'm pretty sure it's just to watch this trainwreck, they want nothing to do with the clusterfuck that is earth right now lmao


[deleted] t1_iujvnw6 wrote



Danglebort t1_iuk6xm2 wrote

Why would they waste resources on dealing with us, when everything you could ever want to mine is more easily accessible elsewhere in the solar system?

Interstellar travel requires insane resources. Making a trip like that would mean that whoever is travelling, isn't short on neither resources nor power generation capability.
It's unlikely that a species willing to commit such effort would have anything but a scientific interest in us.
I mean, they would probably be as varied and curious as us.

Unless they're dogmatic fanatics, want to hunt us for sport, or need more slaves for their pleasure/death cult. Then we're screwed.


Anomaly1134 t1_iuk0qpl wrote

I think best case would be they decide to treat our plant like a nature reserve and help us stabilize our climate. A man can dream lol.


[deleted] t1_iuk1hzu wrote



Anomaly1134 t1_iuk3e7f wrote

I would actually be ok with it if they reduced our population. Seriously, even if it was like a 90% reduction. But with some disruptive technology we could likely support many more people also. There would be enough resources if we just handled things more sustainably.


Grovers_HxC t1_iujy98h wrote

Naw man they’re totally gonna take pity on our little souls and disable all our ICBMs mid-flight when we decide to initiate doomsday


CaptainNoBoat t1_iuk2ct5 wrote

I know the UFOs = aliens theories are fun to speculate about, but I find it kind of funny just how human-centric they have to be to exist.

Besides the unfathomable size and scale of space and time in the inhospitable voids of outer space, along with other reasons it's unlikely extra-solar intelligent life has visited Earth... they all require this perhaps even-more ridiculous notion:

We're actually worth visiting.

If I existed in some intelligent race capable of traveling near light-speed, making spacecraft impervious to impacts with fictional materials, traveling for centuries on end across the galaxy, and my intergalactic government council proposed using a monumental amount of resources to visit our dumb-asses just to buzz around and confuse military pilots, I'd be like "Hell no. Can we not do that?"