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Lance-Harper t1_je1fgu0 wrote

It’s not just that.

  • heavy duty work do not qualify anymore for compensation which is why bin men are striking
  • to get your full pension, you must work without any stop from your 20s to your 60s. No illness, break, year off whatsoever
  • point 2 implies you must make a choice very early in life wether you want an under educated job or a masters degree and so forth.
  • all of the above with no guarantee that it all won’t happen again while you’re not even yet 64. Since the reason that cause it haven’t been adress.
  • edit: and AI is brining a lot of uncertainty into the job market. If you are about or graduate, I’d be worried to death about my future
  • all whilst the rich got richer, threaten to take their wealth away, if you wish to tax them and the larger companies get record profit even as the economy slows down.

For sure most people are in the streets for the extra 2 years but there’s a lot more going on.


MrSquishypoo t1_je2458w wrote

Jesus. Heist that second point scares the shit out of me

I’m late 20s, working full time but struggling a lot due to mental health issues The thought of 40 years of feeling this stressed to access the full pension in retirement is terrifying


SleepyDude_ t1_je2bmvm wrote

Full pension by 64. Otherwise you get it at 67 like in the US


savvy-misanthrope t1_je8ofp8 wrote

Their pensions are guaranteed by the government, and they have a steady increasing rate, not like in the US where you can work a lifetime and lose your savings to bankrupt companies.

Besides, in France there are many social programs fpr seniors, such as paying a fraction of property tax after a certain age, and paying little to nothing on public transportation.


[deleted] t1_je2w4vr wrote



DantesDivineConnerdy t1_je34rfh wrote

France doesn't have the lowest retirement age-- countries like Nepal, India, and Indonesia have pension retirements in the 50s. The absolute highest that French pensions go is 900 euros a month. And I've often found that when people complain about lazy workers, it's usually just that a worker isn't acting like a desperate servant stressing over their next meal.

The problem is you're comparing French benefits to other nations (without even understanding the numbers), rather than comparing benefits to the actual need. French workers had these benefits because they fought and literally paid for them. American workers don't because too many of them take the side of corporate ownership and argue that it should be easier to fire people, workers shouldn't organize, benefits can always get worse etc.


WillTheThrill86 t1_je3mhhu wrote

Is that true? The highest French pensions pay out is like 900 euro a month?


zoetrope_ t1_je35u0t wrote

All the more reason for people to protest. If you've got a good a good system then you need to prevent it from slipping backwards.


Muninnless t1_je33tlc wrote

Says the guy pushing homophobic, racist shit, and backing Trump. Yeah, I think you are the one that should be taken with a grain of salt, bud.


calm_chowder t1_je2tcti wrote

Those policies are already in place or they're part of the new retirement Reform? Because those laws are fucking insane, even worse than in the US. Which is hard to believe for a European country. There's so many reasons a person might not be able to work continuously with zero breaks for 40 years.

Can someone else confirm this is true? Do you have a source??


Zagorim t1_je338w9 wrote

it's kind of true but if you take a break and don't work for a year you don't lose your whole pension. You will have to take your retirement one year later. Still a pretty shitty reform though.


savvy-misanthrope t1_je8ot1a wrote

In France workers are entitled to far more vacation days than in the US (over one month each year), longer maternity/paternity leave, and they work 4 days a week. Also, their pensions are guaranteed by the government, at a generous annual increase rate.