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Ok_Store_1983 t1_j9ucmr6 wrote

For anyone interested, her interrogation video on Jim Can't Swim is very interesting. It's clear she went into it thinking it to be routine interview and nothing more.


AintEverLucky t1_j9vscf0 wrote

Am watching this video right now, and you're not wrong, it's fascinating. But I wonder how the investigators avoided that getting tagged as entrapment?


keskeskes1066 t1_j9w886y wrote

That is not entrapment. Entrapment is when, in the most basic sense, it occurs when a government official, such as a police officer, uses threats, fraud, or harassment to induce or coerce someone to commit a crime they wouldn't ordinarily commit.

Oh, and when you claim entrapment as a defense, you have to admit to having committed the crime. That is why politicians always make claims about entrapment in front of a TV camera, but never in front of a judge.
