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MurderDoneRight t1_jabwvtk wrote

Maybe they can put it in Garfield Heights, Ohio. They built a landfill in the 1970s where they dumped toxic waste, closed it up years later without cleaning it up, a developer bought it and put a mall on top of it, the ground started sinking as gases escaped from the soil, most of the businesses left, it was reworked as a business park and is still open to this day.

Did I mention the reason why they figured out the dump were toxic? Because a staggering amount of people were developing tumors. People still live there. Shit is still messed up 50 years on and everything is business as usual.


ActivityEquivalent69 t1_jacnkeb wrote

Honestly.... if it's already a fucked morals say don't make it worse but my other morals say don't make it happen for any more people. So....yeah I like this idea as much as I can.