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CharToll t1_jab4sg2 wrote

Norfolk Southern should be responsible for every penny spent on nationwide cleanup.


RunningNumbers t1_jachdax wrote

But the environmental harm is not nationwide…


ffrkAnonymous t1_jaciuhp wrote

Now it is


RunningNumbers t1_jackdl3 wrote

I guess the word local now means nationwide. But then again, Reddit nihilists don’t care what the mean of words are.


Myrkull t1_jaclgi3 wrote

It has affected multiple states, you're just being a Reddit pedant


Showerthawts t1_jaehykj wrote

The town is right near the PA border. That's interstate at the very least with a plume that big and water working the way it does.


Gtfocuzidfc t1_jadya9o wrote

“Ah don’t worry, we only irradiated one state we won’t be held accountable”