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Who_needs_an_alt t1_iy82w7z wrote

Me too. I grew up in portsmouth and was lucky to catch the tail end of the amazing punk scene there, and even got to play shows with some of the coolest bands of the area. I'm out in Keene now but it really seems like there is little to no presence of local bands.


kingofreality69 t1_iy87lo9 wrote

Theres local bands around here but to my knowledge they haven’t played much in the manchester-concord area. If you’re Manchester , id suggest going to the shaskeen on any weekend night. Ive seen some great bands there when i was just going casually. The three id say check out are Gaud, Crone Visions, and Dead Time.


Blicks666 t1_iy8gqjn wrote

Look up Girih. They're out of Manchester. Post metal in similar vein of Russian Circles. Fantastic live too. If you're into heavier stuff there is a 9 band fest ival coming to Jewel on Saturday the 17th. My band is opening the show, 2 stages and large, great sounding venue.


makeroombafoon t1_iy8jhlk wrote

Jonee earthquake band they mostly play originals and play all sort of venues


notsara t1_iy8xwpv wrote

Town Meeting! They're some friends of mine, they play fairly often locally and are a ton of fun to see live. One of my favorite bands, local or otherwise. They have 3 or 4 albums of original music and do a lot of really great covers too. I'd describe them as folk-americana-rock, if that's a thing lol


wrapmeinbubblewrap t1_iy9lxjy wrote

Sneaky Miles plays around Newmarket and Portsmouth pretty frequently