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MissorNoob t1_ixnhzd7 wrote

Dealt with this recently. Spray the soil with Neem oil or a sulfur based insect repellent (depending on what the plant tolerates). Turn the soil over once a day and spray again. Hang up sticky traps. Should get rid of them in less than a week. Get rid of any dead or decaying plant matter too. And don't water while you're getting rid of the insects. They hate dry environments.


kamikaziboarder t1_ixnpwzk wrote

This. We brought in our pepper plants. We sprayed the soil with neem before after one bad experience. Seems to have solved our problem. I also set up home made fruit flu traps with a small bowl. Half apple cider vinegar, half water, a drop of dish shops. Plastic wrap over the top with a few holes poked in it. They seem to have been attracted to that.


MissorNoob t1_ixnqgse wrote

Peppers for me too! I set up the cider vinegar traps as well. Good for catching the stragglers.