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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_isfbtdq wrote

Q1 is about removing the position of County Probate from the constitution. The position has already been striped of any duties so it is just removing a dead office. I am voting yes

Q2 Voting for a constitutional convention that is on the ballot every 10 years regardless. This would open the chance of changing it which begins a full state procedure for specific issues. I have not heard of anything specific people/groups are wanting to change so it really in my opinion is not needed. I am voting no


besafenh t1_isj8ugh wrote

The Probate position was stripped of powers and duties by a combined effort of hateful budget cutters - and - the NH Bar Association which views the Country Probate as taking business righteously that of lawyers. Too poor to afford a lawyer? Sucks to be you… we’re taking your one recourse away.


sweetnsalty24 t1_isfzald wrote

If Sarwark or Manzo are on your ballot, they are write-in Free Staters on the Democratic ticket.


Foggy_Night221C t1_isren5j wrote

According to his own website, Sawark's Libertarian. Were those the same as the Free Staters or were there two groups? His "for the people" website, doesn't list his leaning as far as I can tell at way too late at night.

edit: Other guy is "libertarian-democratic" Is that a thing?


edit again: I'm not sure I like how the choices were set up, but if people aren't running, not much to do about that, right?


besafenh t1_isj8fk9 wrote

The Sarwarks did move here in the same fashion as Free Staters. They are NOT in the good graces of the Kauffman cabal, nor do they hold every public employee and institution in contempt. Facts are difficult things. You can always just vote for the Republicans opposing Sarwark and Manzo.


plz1 t1_isfayjt wrote

There was a post in this sub yesterday explaining the first one. The convention one is on the ballot every ten years, but I think the last time it passed was in the 1980's.


59000beans t1_isnxcg3 wrote

A "yes" vote supports eliminating the register of probate offices and references to it within the New Hampshire Constitution. The ballot measure was sponsored by Rep. Norman Silber (R-2) and Rep. Aidan K. Ankarberg (R-10).

The Register of Probate is an elected office in some states. The office had previously handled wills, the administration of estates, trusts, guardianships, adoptions, and name changes.

After changes were made to New Hampshire's court system in 2011, certain duties were removed from the register of probate.

In the consolidation of July 2011, the number of probate courts was reduced from 117 to 54.

Argument to Vote No: “Feedback from many NH residents after encountering very limited assistance at the courthouse is that they have been advised to seek an attorney if they are unable to properly submit the necessary information. If we still had functioning registers of probate to help, most residents would not have to deal with attorneys and their associated legal fees."

Argument to Vote No: "In 2013, former Hillsborough County register of probate Joseph Kelly Levasseur filed a writ of prohibition with the state Supreme Court, saying that the transfer of duties from the register of probate was unconstitutional, due to the duties being transferred to an unelected position."