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heyhelloyuyu t1_j9pohfx wrote

Glad at least it’s of decent size and density! Should hopefully help price correct and pull some high earners out of other more affordable apts….


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j9prmyr wrote

I don't know who started with this joke of a premise. You would have to build 10K apts to even see the slightest movement in prices. Not to mention apt living, especially in these large buildings is horrendous


heyhelloyuyu t1_j9psvpy wrote

10k apartments need to start somewhere 🤷‍♀️ Can’t complain that there are no apartments, and then go on to complain that the one being built is somehow both not enough apartments but also is too big….


-cochise t1_j9qpp9m wrote

77 apartments right in the heart of downtown is good. The 90 across from Market Basket are good. The 250 going up on the other corner will be good. Vacancy is like sub 1%, dude, of course new units will be pricey, but it’s a lot better than building nothing.