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Tiggerthetiger t1_j9yk6d1 wrote

Is it common to have to surrender your passport to a hotel?


blzac33 t1_j9ys58f wrote

No, not common to surrender your passport to a hotel. In fact it is illegal in the US. I’ve had my passport taken in Europe while the front desk fills out paperwork but I either wait, or they bring it up to me within the hour.


Gr8hound t1_j9z2ayt wrote

That was my understanding too. Illegal in the US. Restricting someone’s travel sounds a lot like kidnapping.


hidden_verb t1_j9yliu1 wrote

Usually they just make a copy. I have never given a hotel my passport.


Viking603 OP t1_j9yqxwh wrote

I have had it tried on me. Told them no, they said you have to if you plan to stay here. I said by and turned to leave. Almost to the door when they said, ok you can stay.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_ja7liha wrote

very common overseas. I did this in Russia, Ukraine, Dubai, Yemen, Bosnia, Turkey, Korea,....


hidden_verb t1_ja7obpu wrote

Interesting. I have been to a little over 40 different countries. Have never and would never.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_ja7r6mx wrote

it's more common in authoritarian governments that want to keep track of you.


Viking603 OP t1_j9ykuy3 wrote

Yes. I've never liked it. It is usually done to prevent you from skipping out on the bill.


akmjolnir t1_ja2pnhk wrote

That's why you pre-authorized with a credit card.


bigkat5000 t1_ja7y8yj wrote

Minors are asked to provide them to the chaperones, who in turn provide them to the front desk manager to be locked in a safe. Clearly the "safe" part didn't happen here.