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beast916 t1_iu3zi75 wrote

In the novella it explains that because of everything Andy does for the warden and guards, he got special privileges and wasn’t ridden as hard as others.


XavierRex83 t1_iu54rr1 wrote

I think that was clear in the movie as well.


beast916 t1_iu5c2nu wrote

I know the novella much better than the movie, so I wasn’t sure about the movie.


XavierRex83 t1_iu5i4zv wrote

It wasn't directly stated in the movie but at one point the warden refers to Andy's cell as a 1 bunk Hilton as well as some of the other special treatment he got.


in_the_blind t1_iu5opwg wrote

I had a novella once, got 0 to 60 in about 20 seconds. A book i s a book.


beast916 t1_iu5srl5 wrote

King says it’s a novella. The book is Different Seasons. The novella wasn’t published on its own until about two decades after Different Seasons.