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notsopurexo t1_j280gkh wrote

Wtf is this sorcery! 😂


JoCoMoBo t1_j28i8n2 wrote

It's a curved escalator. They are fairly common around the world.


ceojp t1_j28z2z6 wrote

I suppose if you built an escalator around the world it would have to be curved.

edit: the flat earth jokes aren't funny or clever.


byfourness t1_j297xxf wrote

False. The earth is flat, so an escalator around the world would be an airport-style moving sidewalk.


S79S79 t1_j29f4av wrote

There are 90 in the entire world given there is only one manufacturer - don't know if I'd call that fairly common


JoCoMoBo t1_j2aasts wrote

I think there's more than just 90 and more than one manufacturer. Either that or the escalators are stalking me.


DeeJudanne t1_j2ab2yp wrote

how common are we talking? i have never seen it before, Sweden


Boris9397 t1_j2afbka wrote

Having travelled around the world for years and never knew they existed before this post, I'd say they're quite rare.


Prinzka t1_j2aaas3 wrote

I take it you've not really traveled the world


JoCoMoBo t1_j2aankg wrote

I've travelled quite extensively and every so often I see curved escalators.