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[deleted] t1_j5aaxbe wrote

These people are completely deluded beating themselves and others into the ground in the name of toxic individualism and bootstrap brainwash. Lol at fighting against more worker rights, how dumb and captive can you be. Incredible and they call themselves progressive

Here’s your pennies increase lil slave! Be grateful! 🥴

Meanwhile the wealth hoarding and disparity is at all time highs and basic data backs that up

But no, we still have to live with these dumb assholes holding everyone back because they were taught that you’re supposed to suffer like a bitch for the big man because “maybe I’ll be him one day!!!!1”

Absolute fuckin idiots lol

Then they turn around and wonder why they can’t buy a house etc. newsflash, the wealthy rape you and holding down min wage pay like a stupid fuck contributes to that even if you make more than that