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DaveDurant t1_j114foy wrote

Reply to comment by Linux-Is-Best in Dunce by CloroxWipes1

Should be noted that you can report anonymously. They would obviously rather have you give creds but will understand and still appreciate it if you don't.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j114yc8 wrote

> Should be noted that you can report anonymously.

Absolutely. You can do so anonymously via the website and through the tip line. I encourage anyone who thinks they know something, to please say something.


_lucid_dreams t1_j1729av wrote

I used to lurk on a (now defunct) public pro-Trump message board, mainly because I was fascinated by their fear and misery. When they started rumbling about Jan 6 they were literally talking about bringing weapons, the tactical gear they had purchased, going to “war” and taking lives. I regret not reporting it. Figuring the Feds probably knew about the website already. Maybe they did, either way….I regret not reporting it. I took screen shots..


FreedomsPower t1_j11ijc9 wrote

someone I know did this after someone he knew from work bragged on facebook about it.


MeEvilBob t1_j12x01e wrote

FWIW, if the FBI wants to find the source of an anonymous tip, that's not gonna be hard for them.


SileAnimus t1_j11gkf6 wrote

It's not anonymous. They know who you are since most people don't mask their online presence. They just aren't going to go out of their way to talk to you if they don't have to.

Edit: If you think I'm wrong then anonymously submit random made up bullshit about serious crimes multiple times. If it's anonymous then nothing will happen, if it's not, then you'll get a knock at your door. There's no such thing as anonymity when you're on any government site unless you go out of your way to mask your digital signature.


DaveDurant t1_j11h9u9 wrote

You're saying they will not respect peoples wishes to remain anonymous?

Got a source for that?


SileAnimus t1_j11jgmz wrote

"Reporting anonymously" is not the same as "The FBI doesn't know who you are when reporting". If reporting to the FBI was anonymous, they would have no way to counteract spamming or flooding of their system. When you report anonymously, all you're telling them is "please don't contact me about this".

I don't know how to provide a source for something as basic as this. That's like asking to provide a source that air is air.
