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SeaJay1187 t1_jb3l6qs wrote

Pay the court fee and try? Lol they say it’s always worth it


edoreinn t1_jb3sci3 wrote

You did it. Pay up.

Omg moving from Louisiana back to Massachusetts and seeing the traffic grievances is hilarious. In New Orleans: “I got a ticket for doing 45 in a 20 flashing light school zone, how do I get out of it?” and the answer is “report your plate as stolen and keep on.” This is not an advertisement for doing this. If you left New Orleans, you’d be in trouble. So please don’t do this.

Obey the laws, pay when you fuck up, and keep on. I, for one, welcome my new traffic overlords.


OriginalObscurity t1_jb3xiez wrote

Not a snowball’s chance in hell you’re getting it removed from your driving record; enjoy your higher insurance premium.


OriginalObscurity t1_jb3xuxa wrote

Also, if you get in front of a judge that’ll waive your ticket, there’s not a single one that’ll remove the offense from your record, so your insurance company is gonna be prorating any money you might save on getting the fine waived by jacking up your premium because you demonstrated you’re a risk to insure.


ohhgrrl t1_jb4lbxl wrote

Admitting to being guilty is usually doesn’t get you a free pass.


General_Skin_2125 t1_jb4w69k wrote

You can get it removed by paying it.

My cousin was killed by a delinquent who decided that their text conversation was more important than the other people around him. Be better next time.


walterbernardjr t1_jb566v1 wrote

Sometimes it’s worth hiring a lawyer for these sorts of things. Crazier things have happened.


KookyPomegranate7380 t1_jb5a4vr wrote

What a useless topic to address OP, thanks for wasting 3 minutes of my life. Like others said, be better, pay your shit, and carry the hell on.


bencam5 t1_jb5p8p0 wrote

“I ignorantly endangered drivers. How can I dodge responsibility?”


Easy-Progress8252 t1_jb5z4hv wrote

Tell them you’ll pay a higher fine if it can be removed as a moving violation.


hockeystick13 t1_jb6a2gs wrote

I admit I’m at fault your Honor, but can you know, just make it go away


Crazyhellga t1_jb7al7g wrote

Tickets like this are money makers for the entities that issue them. They are very happy to change it to a non-moving violation with a hefty fine. Which may still be more cost effective than paying the ticket and having your insurance go up.


Unfair_Negotiation67 t1_jb7mhf3 wrote

1st offense is just $100 fine (plus court costs if it goes to court.. or maybe a magistrate). No insurance surcharge. But why fight it? Just pay the $100 and move on. And then stop doing it.


BatExisting325 t1_jbbwvdf wrote

Wow you actually got a ticket. The police don’t pull anyone over that. I’ve seen people texting in front of and next to cruisers and nothing.