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DeffNotTom t1_jdcnqj4 wrote

Damn. Not even a good fake. What's with those holes?


Potat-O-Vision t1_jdcssrp wrote

It looks like one of the fake plates used in movies or tv shows.


NCSUGrad2012 t1_jde11yb wrote

Not only is the format wrong but Massachusetts hasn’t issued I or Q on standard issue plates since they had the green plates.


malapriapism4hours t1_jdejd4d wrote

Curious…what are the other tells?


NCSUGrad2012 t1_jden6ld wrote

The font is wrong and it’s not embossed. Massachusetts also hasn’t ever used that format of letters and numbers. The last number is also supposed to match the registration month, which it doesn’t.


malapriapism4hours t1_jderbpt wrote

Thanks! I was aware of the reg month issue, but didn’t know if it applied in all cases.


idkhow2userddt t1_jdfruto wrote

The only time that doesn't apply is vanity, trailer, commercial and motorcycles. Vanity and trailers always expire in November and commercial and motorcycles in December.


GaleTheThird t1_jdfd21i wrote

> The last number is also supposed to match the registration month, which it doesn’t.

Interesting, I registered my car in Feb but the last digit on the plate is 1. I guess it must've been a leftover or something


NCSUGrad2012 t1_jdfeqg2 wrote

What format is the plate? Is it a special plate?


GaleTheThird t1_jdff1lu wrote

Nope, just the one they mailed me. Bought and registered the car in Feb of 2021. Overall format is #AAA ##


NCSUGrad2012 t1_jdffd4w wrote

Interesting and it doesn’t say Jan on the upper left? It should if the digit all the way on the right is a 1.


GaleTheThird t1_jdffjcq wrote

>it doesn’t say Jan on the upper left?

Now that you mention it, it does. I've never noticed it, even when looking at the thing to check the format. Definitely just a leftover plate or something then


NCSUGrad2012 t1_jdffxhh wrote

Yeah, that’s how all Massachusetts regular plates are issued. Vanity plates are November and commercial plates are December.


NowakFoxie t1_jdgouu0 wrote

I believe it's the prior month that gets assigned, rather than the month you register your car in


mini4x t1_jdkqkbb wrote

How's that work for November and December?


NCSUGrad2012 t1_jdkso5o wrote

November is vanity and commercial is December. Passenger cars don’t expire those months.


notgoodwithmoney t1_jdjsfo5 wrote

Whoa, why though?


NCSUGrad2012 t1_jdjtdk0 wrote

When they issued green plates it was all the numbers on the left and all the letters on the right separated by a dot in the middle. After using all those combinations they switched to multiple other formats. Q could be mistaken for a 0 and I can be mistaken for a 1, so they aren’t used on formats when the letters and numbers aren’t as easily divided. O is also not used for this reason.


notgoodwithmoney t1_jdjtxv2 wrote

Oh that makes sense. I wonder if they allow custom plates like "lIIIllI" I'm guessing no


NowakFoxie t1_jdgoqn3 wrote

I've seen older Spirit of America plates with I and O, but no Q or U on either green or SoA