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[deleted] t1_javs53u wrote

Been listening to them for 15 years, still never got tired of them. I never hear anyone mention them even though people bring up Godspeed and silver mt Zion all the time.


oligobop t1_jaw6t0n wrote

Fredericia is probably my favorite song of theirs. Lots of good shit though. Every album feels like a contiguous song.


[deleted] t1_jaw75dp wrote

Same! When that bass comes in


stoopid_jerk t1_jawjmo3 wrote

Whoooommm wOOOOOOOOm Whoooommm wOOOOOOOOm Whoooommm wOOOOOOOOm Whoooommm wOOOOOOOOm

It was awesome to see him play that. The guy used his pinky to adjust the volume on the bass while playing it. Their shows have always been so good


pocketboy t1_jax3wmj wrote

Saw them live in SF when I was in highschool. I went to the show with a backpack on and when this song came on I was flailing around like a psychopath. So good. They're incredible live as well.


greg156 OP t1_jawel5f wrote

same here. i cannot explain why..


greg156 OP t1_jawf1x2 wrote

well, same except i m probably older so its more like >20 years for me. i just realized that :)


based_pinata t1_jawt6v3 wrote

I love this band so much. & yet & yet happens to be my favorite of their albums but they’re all great in their own way


johnthomaslumsden t1_jayxpvq wrote

Stubborn Persistent Illusions is the absolute nicest record I own. It’s a damn piece of art, both visually and sonically.


Unklefil t1_jaza32o wrote

I’m with you, the turn around early on in White Light Of gets me every time.


SchultzkysATraitor t1_jb04xe4 wrote

I was introduced to them via You, You're a Tender History in Rust. But Goodbye Enemy Airship the song is one of my favorite jams.

Two drummers is just a magic key; Kylesa, early Do Make Say Think, Year of No Light all make use of two drummers to fantastic effect.


fozzie1234567 t1_jb4524t wrote

They're still around?


greg156 OP t1_jb690zx wrote

yep, they're gonna play some gigs in 2023, in Canada for starters (i hope for starters)


lgndryheat t1_jawmzz8 wrote

This band has a ton of great music, and it all changes over time. The later albums are my favorite, specifically "You, You're a History in Rust" and "Stubburn Persistent Illusions."

For those of you familiar with Broken Social Scene, the band actually has some of the same personnel


WineBoggling t1_jaxy5b8 wrote

Statistically, most Canadians are Broken Social Scene personnel.


octodanger t1_jaw3xqu wrote

I saw them in the late 2000’s at the Troubadour and it was one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen.


handsome666 t1_jaxx82r wrote

Saw them in maybe 2008 at Younge & Dundas Square with Final Fantasy. So good.

Edit was 2009


seventurtles t1_jayph0k wrote

My favourite band! They’re playing their first live show in over 5 years on March 25 in Toronto (Danforth Music Hall). So psyched!!


lgndryheat t1_jayuun2 wrote

I got to see them when they were touring the most recent album in the US. I was so close I was leaning on the stage looking right up at them. Such a great memory


greg156 OP t1_jazn6ko wrote

nice to hear. they came over here only once ithink (i m in greece) hope i ll get to see them again someday.


Princelyfox t1_jaw0ktf wrote

I saw them at the Black Cat in DC in the 2000s and it was a great show. But I bought the tickets right away and later found out that Nick Lowe and Ron Sexsmith were playing that same night together and often wonder how amazing that show probably was.


PoopDig t1_jaxljt1 wrote

Seeing my favorite band of all time get any attention makes me so happy.


PoopDig t1_jaxlnpa wrote

Every album is a masterpiece


woyzeckspeas t1_jawjq2m wrote

Stubborn Persistent Illusions is an awesome album, too. Cool to see them get mentioned here!


lonememe t1_jay80iw wrote

I’ve see them live about 7 times now, and I will drop everything to get on a plane to do it again. Their music just gets me right in the gut for some reason. Thanks for spreading the DMST love, OP.


greg156 OP t1_jazmw3h wrote

thanks for writing. i always thought they're soooo underappreciated. i went to spotify to check, they have only something like 30k monthly listeners..


lonememe t1_jb11ygr wrote

That’s nuts it’s so low! I was glad to see they won a Juno a couple years ago. That’s pretty good recognition.


davexhero t1_jaym710 wrote

Just found &yet&yet at a record store. Couldn't believe it!


greg156 OP t1_jazmjo6 wrote

i have that one on record too. unfortunately i ve played it less times thatn the years i got it. damn the convenience of the mp3s :)


pm_me_ur_McNuggets t1_jaypjba wrote

Love them.

The best put the headphones on, block everything out and get shit done band.

A guy i used to work with got me into them... after i was hooked, he was like oh! the bands drummer (one of them) sits right beside you!!


nizzernammer t1_jay4v2r wrote

Great band. Saw them play in a converted church back in the day. Good times!


LazerStallion t1_jayq4h2 wrote

The venue in Buffalo? Can't remember the name, seems like a place they would play though


nizzernammer t1_jb0nhkg wrote

It was in Toronto. I believe it was the Music Gallery, before it moved.


Alone-Ad1847 t1_jaz8cuu wrote

Nice ambient track, haven't heard of them before thanks. :)