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pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j555zaj wrote

NJ is pretty sensible for the most part.

NJ’s objection to congestion pricing is largely that it’s a tax on NJ while we still have to donate billions to the MTA via federal tax dollars. On top of that NY has been absolutely obstructionist in mass transit between states. They torpedoed the ARC project for new tunnels by capping what they’d contribute to the project and spent decades fighting replacing port authority bus terminal. Even with a new terminal proposed it’s still not as big as NJ wants so it can have more buses. Which is presumably so it doesn’t eat away at congestion pricing revenue, because they’d have to make up the losses via other taxes or program cuts.

NYC pretends to be much more pro transit than it really is. It’s mostly a tax grift.

Could have had new tunnels for NJ Transit and a massively expanded bus system. But NYC shot that down. Don’t forget that.


moobycow OP t1_j55fgob wrote

NYC doesn't run their own transit system, so that doesn't help. It's worth keeping in mind that NY State also fucking hates NYC and their Governors have been pretty actively antagonistic toward the city for most of all of our lives.