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PowerfulCobbler t1_j6l3dou wrote

that is a very high bill… it’s possible that you were previously underpaying and they finally read your meter or something. I’d ask PSEG for more details. 72 is a totally reasonable temp btw


Big_Project8852 OP t1_j6l3q2i wrote

Yeah I called and complained and they are having me check the meter. I thought 72 was reasonable..before I made this post. Some people are making it seem like I have it on 80 with the windows open lmao


michael_scarn17 t1_j6lbv63 wrote

I literally keep my apartment at 75 during the winter my bill was $150 for the month of December. It’s likely your meter is picking up the hallway or elevator usage


Big_Project8852 OP t1_j6lcv67 wrote

You are living my dream sir, I hate you.


michael_scarn17 t1_j6lecx5 wrote

I find it hilarious that people are hating on you for keeping your apartment in the low 70’s. They sound like my dad who refused to turn the heat on in the winter.


Big_Project8852 OP t1_j6lfdz6 wrote

Haha I was getting a lot of new balance with high white sock vibes from some of these responses 🤣