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jerseycityfrankie t1_j9vna1e wrote

The people who live here in Journal Square see 30 million vanishing overseas. I’m saying if you have that much to spend why not put it into improving conditions HERE. Trickle down economics, even if it actually works (lol, it doesn’t) takes TIME. Journal Square is out of time.


Brudesandwich t1_j9werht wrote

Out of time for what exactly? Will a bomb go off at the end of the year if J. Sq if it doesn't improve conditions?

>improving conditions HERE

And I agree with you on that. So let's keep that mentally for everything. It's just crazy to me this is the mentality everyone has for a project and institution that can have a direct positive impact on JC.


jerseycityfrankie t1_j9ws03x wrote

I agree 30 million COULD be a boon to Journal Square but I don’t agree an exotic art contrivance is what’s lacking. There’s a whole lot of lacking though.