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spypol t1_j846sdi wrote

Same thing happened to me once on grove and grand. I had had a terrible day at work, and as soon as the driver opened his mouth, I uttered a “shut the fuck up” out of nowhere. Didn’t know I had that in me lol. The dude proceeded to stay quiet and left the scene slowly. (Thank god he didn’t have a weapon I guess).


nuncio_populi t1_j84h1up wrote

Everywhere along Grand is just awful lately.

Whenever I get into one of these situations, I do a disappointed head shake and give ‘em a thumbs down.


ILike-Pie t1_j84o48k wrote

I'm a hothead and know I need to keep it toned down so I don't get shot or stabbed so I'm going to take your advice on this one, I like it.


nuncio_populi t1_j84op4y wrote

You can also 1) walk slower, 2) just turnaround and start back as if you forgot something or 3) look around in bewilderment as if you can’t figure out where that annoying sound is coming from.


viniciusah t1_j850qxz wrote

The good old "I'm not mad, just disappointed" is still very effective. Might bring back bad childhood memories, I guess.


111110100101 t1_j861guj wrote

You think the people doing this shit had parents like that?


viniciusah t1_j86e4jj wrote

No. They needed to have parents doing that. It implies the parents knew better and tried to educate their kids, but somewhere on the way they failed.

I would risk saying people who drive like this even had examples inside their homes of people driving likewise. It's an endless circle.


Jahooodie t1_j853bzr wrote

While crossing grand, I had someone nudging into the crosswalk yell at me to 'hurry the fuck up so I can turn, or I'll run you over' so they could make a left on red. This was during the middle of the day when school kids were going home. Fuck someone needs to enforce some sort of traffic laws here, it just emboldens the worst possible people


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j85cez3 wrote

If they were making a L on red doesn't that means you were crossing against the light too, right? I'm just guessing they entered the intersection legally, had to wait till the light changed to stop oncoming traffic (with a car or 3 running the red), and when they finally made the turn, there you were jaywalking.

Now, this may not have actually happened to you the way I guessed, but it happens plenty, with scofflaw pedestrians and cyclists playing their parts in making the streets a shitshow.


Jahooodie t1_j8a7p0p wrote

Car facing east/west, in a left hand turn lane, with a red, wanting to make an illegal left on red.

Me crossing the perpendicular road, going north/south, with a pedestrian cross sign on. There is no left arrow light at this intersection.

Nah man, this ain't on me jaywalkin


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j8a8qlo wrote

So they were behind the crosswalk you were in, in a turn lane? That's fucking insane then.


shrillbill OP t1_j84kdo7 wrote

Yeah I let them have it. Fairly out of character for me. Was a bit embarrassed haha