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gdbjr t1_j22dxff wrote

How does one accidentally hit delete 3 times?


NyanArthur t1_j23ogrh wrote

Drunk anger/frustration I did this with whatsapp so many times


chaos-in-wonderland t1_j26egya wrote

Yeah but deleting WhatsApp or any social media/communications app when you’re angry makes complete sense. Deleting your notes app, not so much 😂


Supa_Dingus OP t1_j22gh4q wrote

I only had one notes profile, just pressed buttons and enabled more after they were deleted.


dskatter t1_j22f5bk wrote

Unless you were syncing them to iCloud on a daily basis, you don’t.

That said…how on earth did you accidentally delete the app? It’s very hard to delete any app accidentally.


Supa_Dingus OP t1_j22g3ht wrote

Needed to free up storage but I thought it would be easily redownloadable when I was done with what I was doing. So accidental as in I didn’t intend for any of this to happen.


dskatter t1_j22gpp3 wrote

Oof. Yeah, notes take up such minimal space that deleting them wouldn’t have made a significant difference.

Next time, delete a game or something. :/ Sorry, but I suspect all that info is gone. I hope I’m wrong.


gleep52 t1_j25u3zn wrote

Well his 30 days of backups shows 1000 notes - so perhaps he had tons of screenshots or other attachments and it showed up as one of the biggest apps to purge for space savings. If he had years of notes that could eat up a lot of space… sucks it’s gone though.

OP did you ever make ANY kind of local backups like with iTunes, imazing, or other usb backup utilities? You could probably find a way to recovery the notes db from that backup….


dskatter t1_j25uyrs wrote

I have around 250 notes, some with voice notes pasted in.

The space used? 38.3 MB.

I doubt OP’s notes were much over 1-200 MB.


gleep52 t1_j25x9f7 wrote

Video attachments? Who knows what they used it for…


dskatter t1_j26154m wrote

Either way, I think OP has learned a valuable lesson about deleting things that one needs without having at LEAST two reliable backups.


Feeling-Orange3229 t1_j26jp0x wrote

38.3MB for you 250 notes. OP’s screenshot shoes from the last 30 days 1000 notes. Who knows how many before he deleted the notes app. So I would say it’s possible for OP’s notes before he deleted to be a couple gigs. 250 notes - 38.3mb is roughly 6.5MB/ 1 note. 6.5MB times 1000 notes is 6500MB which is 6.5GB.


Supa_Dingus OP t1_j22h1ox wrote

At least the other ones won’t be disappearing. Thanks for trying


paulstelian97 t1_j23prda wrote

Also try to use the offload function in the future. It's less effective than the full deletion, BUT you don't lose data for apps except if they disappear from the App Store.


mypicturesbox t1_j258hwf wrote

How do you get downvoted for this?


YODA0786 t1_j25cyqu wrote

Yeah, he’s not he’s not being a dick or anything. Just wants to know if he can get back his notes after accidentally deleting them and understands that it’s not possible.


Feeling-Orange3229 t1_j26inw6 wrote

For future reference, set up your iPhone to offload unused apps, so like abs that you don’t use after a long period of time it won’t necessarily delete it but it’ll offloaded which will free up some space in offloading basically means that like when you go to reinstall all of that data will be there


Huge-Internal8166 t1_j24iyxb wrote

Ayo dumbos stop downvoting the op


mrchumblie t1_j24xb4i wrote

Reddit truly sucks sometimes, doesn’t it


rhedskold9 t1_j24yb22 wrote

Well, this subreddit is a class for itself. It’s the only subreddit I’ve been a part of where someone who admits their mistake but asks for genuine advice still gets downvoted like they’ve been trolling


1LayerAtaTime t1_j23lgwl wrote

You might want to try to do a restore from a recent backup. I believe the local notes are part of the backup.


Supa_Dingus OP t1_j22bpl6 wrote

In image description, *notes not photos.


karmicbond t1_j23svfd wrote

If you have a mac , you might still find all your notes there.

Similarly, going to and checking all the notes upfront would be the first thing to do.


DisintegrationPt808 t1_j24i64r wrote

can you sync to a backup maybe a month or two ago that would have everything you need??


Financial_Bed4066 t1_j23iyov wrote

i thought my 294 is bad


chaos-in-wonderland t1_j26ex7c wrote

I have 6 notes. You lot are giving me mad anxiety with that amount of notes 😂


MrWieners t1_j23sxwe wrote

Only possibility is they might be stored on your iCloud. So log in with a browser and see what’s there


Wellcraft19 t1_j25e0sa wrote

Many comments, might have been mentioned, but unless you can see your (missing) notes in the web interface for iCloud and Gmail, they are gone. Only other possibility, as you likely stored some notes locally, would be if you have a device backup in iTunes/Finder, or - less likely - one in iCloud (remember the iCloud backup is dynamic and updates essentially every day). In case you have a iTunes/Finder backup:

  1. do an iCloud backup
  2. restore from your iTunes/Finder backup (immediately turn off iCloud backup so you don’t overwrite your fresh iCloud backup)
  3. when you have access to your Notes, move them from locally on your phone to iCloud or Gmail
  4. verify via web interface that they are there
  5. use your fresh iCloud backup to restore your phone back to ‘current’ stage - but with access to your (now in cloud) stored notes.

Truly_Unending_ t1_j2617fu wrote

As long as notes are backed up to iCloud, they won’t disappear if the notes app itself it deleted and reinstalled, right?


Wellcraft19 t1_j274uid wrote

Notes are never ‘backed up’ to iCloud (unless when locally stored on the device and the device is backed up to iCloud).

In normal cases they are SYNCED to iCloud (or other services like Gmail,, etc) and will remain there until actively deleted (via an app, or via web interface). So no, they will not disappear just because the [Notes] app is deleted.


Pleasant-Worry-5641 t1_j26f0rh wrote

Call support, they may be able to help with an advanced recovery.


Thecardinal74 t1_j24lnsv wrote

so what's lost? It looks like you have 1,000 of them, just click on icloud and look at the notes


nth_power t1_j2590o0 wrote

I had a similar thing happen with the mail app. But I never deleted it. Just all my emails disappeared forever.


butterjellytoast t1_j25dbyo wrote

I’d consider myself lucky if this happened to me. I have way too many useless emails.


explictlyrics t1_j25jrmk wrote

Things on iPhone don't get backed up real time? You have to do it manually?


PerformanceOk3885 t1_j25yax8 wrote

How do you have 1000 notes in just a month.


gec2u t1_j2638b3 wrote

Lol!! My boomer dad has so many! Once a year I tidy up his digital life for him and I'm always like, "Why do you have so many notes containing people's phone numbers? That's what Contacts are for!" or "Why do you have individual notes for each of your passwords? That's what Keychain is for!" This is a man whose wallet is about 4" thick so I really shouldn't be surprised.


Accomplished_Bat_578 t1_j25zdip wrote

contact Apple support, they might be able to help restore the Notes if they are synced via iCloud recently


BigGucciThanos t1_j2626vp wrote

I JUST thought about this. As a none iCloud or mac user. How the hell do I backup notes?

Have a lot of things in there I would HATE to lose


Emergency-Current-38 t1_j26jcqo wrote

you could conceivably retrieve all your data if you did backup on your icloud.. otherwise..


aprilbeingsocial t1_j26zx81 wrote

Are you sure you deleted the app and not just the icon of the app? Also, it took awhile when I hooked up my mil’s apple watch for everything to sync. Wait a bit and see if it starts importing more. I feel apple sync is very slow.


zehcnassurfero t1_j23xqj6 wrote

If you didn’t have on iCloud all of them only you are going to have the ones that you save on iCloud


aspenextreme03 t1_j25rtst wrote

Op posts problem. People give suggestions. Op never responds. Typical. Lmao


stevenaww t1_j23s73m wrote

Happened with me, wait for some more hours, it'll probably fix itself.
