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odebruku t1_iu60z7p wrote

Yeah 42 in tv is for when your doing a #2 in the bathroom now. My 55in feels small now so will throw that in the bedroom and get a projector at some point.

Anyway small phones are gone sadly. I wanted one myself as a travel phone


SheHadMANHands t1_iu61tim wrote

lol, good point. Have you noticed the larger screens are literally harder to pull your eyes away from (involuntarily)? Have such a gravity to them.


SheHadMANHands t1_iu61wih wrote

I'm assuming because they stimulate the visual cortex so much (and that's such a large part of your brain, from what I understand). Totally guessing.


SheHadMANHands t1_iu624la wrote

Would have to acknowledge that in earlier times stimulating the cortex like that would almost certainly involve a lot of physical activity (you, in motion). Not the case anymore with these massive digital displays.. all those lights dancing around.


odebruku t1_iu629m6 wrote

I think it’s about immersion. Recreating or bettering cinema immersion in the comfort of your own home that you don’t have to dress up in. Just sit there in your jimmyjams and let go of the world outside