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LegionXIX t1_j6el1ky wrote

Recently came across a world map from 1491 (when Columbus set off from Spain) and wanted to look at more world maps or maps in general from historical time periods

Does anyone know a good book or resource for this? Thanks!


lappy482 t1_j6hevch wrote

The [David Rumsey Map Collection] ( is superb for looking up specific maps from specific time periods - hopefully you should be able to find what you're looking for there!

Also - it's a bit more modern, but one map that absolutely fascinates me is the National Library of Scotland's digitalised [Ordnance Survey map of London from the 1890s] ( It's incredibly detailed and shows you on a street-to-street level what London looked like 130 years ago. Plus, they also have a similarly detailed OS map of the city from the 1950s/60s, which lets you see how much the city changed over 60-70 years.


LegionXIX t1_j6iphji wrote

That is what I was looking for thank you.

That Map of London is amazing and a lot less has changed than I was expecting.


lappy482 t1_j6iqjfp wrote

Might be one of my favourite little-known resources online - I could quite honestly sit and stare at it for hours.


Stalins_Moustachio t1_j6mpv5w wrote

Hey there! I HIGHLY recommend A History of the World Map by Map and a WWII Map by Map. You will absolutely love them!