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PhasmaFelis t1_j7mffvc wrote

I'm curious what might have happened if Germany had decided to surrender wholesale to the Western Allies instead of trying to fight to the end. Certainly would have been easier on the civilians, relatively speaking. Is there any chance the Soviets would have respected that? Or would it have rolled straight into a war of Germany+Western Allies vs. USSR?


iMattist t1_j7mfzre wrote

Well it worked for Italy.


dplafoll t1_j7mn88u wrote

Ehh.... Italy didn't have a border with the USSR (I know, it was really Poland, but still), so that's pretty different.


Aanar t1_j7mmmwl wrote

Sure, but there weren't any Soviets knocking on their border either though.


sanehamster t1_j7msw8x wrote

Nearest thing to a shooting war across the future iron curtain was around trieste in Italy. Russian backed yugoslavs blocked from seizing the city by, I think, a Canadian armoured division.