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xfjqvyks t1_j76gphw wrote

My favourite part is that the reason the crew was pissed in the 1st place, is because they were being taken away from the beautiful Tahitian locals, who were much less sexually conservative, and would have sex in exchange for iron. To the point that ships were said to become structurally unstable because crew members were digging nails and fixings out of the ships frame to have iron to barter with. Sailing away from this rum soaked, beauty filled paradise to go and toil in squalid conditions and eat hardtack, turned the whole crew of the Bounty into a giant powder keg lol


bogeyed5 t1_j77047h wrote

Now I can understand why Dutch and Arthur HAVE to get to Tahiti


KentuckyFriedEel t1_j77ln1c wrote

Could you imagine seeing only puffy- dressed women your entire life, and then you come to this beautiful paradise where women wear much less (because it’s so hot) and they’re suntanned, hairless and without christian conservative values so they do (ahem) … “other stuff?” Because I can!


jdb888 t1_j78l2qx wrote

Then post mutiny they took a few beauties to their remote island and promptly engaged in an orgy of murder over the beauties.

Bligh was a skilled navigator and a Capt Cook alum. I'm sure he was a hardass but the man knew the sea.

The Bligh Waters in northern Viti Levu, Fiji are named for him.


xfjqvyks t1_j78rz7q wrote

So we are in agreement, Tahitian women are in fact sirens


[deleted] t1_j78tnl6 wrote



xfjqvyks t1_j78vi5c wrote

See now, that’s just how they snare you. One minute you’re professing how immune you are to the charms, next minute you’re on the open seas committing multiple types of high treason