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imabeach47 t1_j6hjo6q wrote

Why waste money on cheap stuff, it will never be as good as more expensive headphones. Get a proper desktop setup and over ear headphones instead of this hyped up cheap plastic that your pushing into your ear holes. Why trust any of these youtubers, they all spew a bunch of nonsense, stats don't matter, it's up to the ear how something sounds. Save up and buy a good setup that you can enjoy 10 years from now not just tomorrow.


reflectiveSingleton t1_j6hocux wrote

many people like IEMs because they are super portable and driveable by a non-desktop/high-powered amp (basically plug them into anything).

Different uses.


MoonWun_ t1_j6i05sr wrote

Sorry but what are you basing this claim on? Is all you’ve ever heard a 650 and an Zen dac? You seem to have a very limited view of what this hobby can be and what is seen as “good.”


imabeach47 t1_j6i49ff wrote

I mean yea your right, but I guess that’s why it’s called chifi not hifi.


luna-satella t1_j6hr37u wrote

as minimum wage worker, take this L.


imabeach47 t1_j6hrbr5 wrote

No amount of cheaping out will get you better sound than paying more. If you can pay for a 30 bucks iem then you can also save up and a couple months are years buy a proper setup. Sorry I am not part of your crinicle and amir cult… I don’t take the L proudly but I’ll take it :_(


JoJonase t1_j6jdjq3 wrote

Ah yes il just save up that 30 euro every month for 5 years and just not listen to music until i can buy something without cheaping out. Actually more than 5 years. Anything but an HE-1 would be cheaping out i guess.


imabeach47 t1_j6jdpcq wrote

I mean one year and you can get an HD650/600.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j6khw2o wrote

What if I simply don't like how headphone sound though? I very much prefer sound presentation of IEM.


Diijkstra99x t1_j6ib06u wrote

Uh I sweat a lot on headphone. Uh I don't spend a lot of time on desktop just to listen music. Seems like you're out of touch, sounds like a flexing gatekeeper


Nosapaw OP t1_j6i7r7n wrote

What does that even have to do with the meme? Lol