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Akella333 t1_ivf4a7q wrote

I'd say I've reached my peak in terms of IEMs, but can definitely improve on my source/headphones. The issue is my lifestyle involves alot of traveling so justifying spending good money on a good stationary setup is hard.

Headphones: Sony XM5, MDR-1AM2

IEM'S: IER-M9, ZSN Pro X, Fiio FF3

Portable DAC: Fiio KA3, BTR3K

TWS: Sony WF-XM3

DAP: Sony ZX300

I'd love to own the HD600 one day, with a good desk amp and DAC to go with it. I could also probably do better on the tws front.


elgrandorado t1_ivgrj16 wrote

How are the IER-M9's? I had them on a short list before ending up with the Monarchs.


Akella333 t1_ivgses2 wrote

As a complete package they are absolutely incredible. They do a wonderful job of eliminating that "in your head" sound that most IEMs have. Super coherent, with excellent positioning to boot (some people say that they have it the best). Warm and laid back sounding but still being able to have a little excitement to not be completely boring like the M7 (IMO)

I can only compare it to the Andromedas since Ive tried those in store as well, the M9s just have a more pleasing tonality to them.

Build quality, size, comfort, and accessories are all also very impressive. You def get your money's worth.