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StanGenchev t1_iy84t9m wrote

> As a giant head myself, Sennheiser were nice

I see you haven't tried the HD 600 (and others with the same chassis like the 580, 650, etc) headphones. They are a torture device for us mellon heads.


LSG4M3R t1_iy850d5 wrote

Those old chassis were okay for me. Definitley not the most comfortable one but it sits and stay one my head without any pain


PassiveAgressiveCan t1_iy8m90p wrote

I just bend the headband to accommodate. 2XL helmet size here, they are very comfortable.


StanGenchev t1_iy8n15j wrote

That works if you have a smaller/leaner head. For bigger heads nothing helps. I tried bending both the plastic and metal parts, stretched over books and even used a heatgun to melt the headband in an effort to widen it. It didn't help. All this on a second hand HD 600, so it was already "broken-in".


PassiveAgressiveCan t1_iy8nawu wrote

I’ve got a fat head so you must have a damn watermelon. Stock the fit was very uncomfortable, had to bend them out to the point I thought the plastic would break while also bending the metal bands that extend.