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Semanticss t1_iumqvbw wrote

I subscribed to this for a year. The first issue I received contained an "Editor's Note" filled with straight up misinformation about COVID. Like not their opinion on how it was being handled or whatever, but actual lies about the scientific facts.

At least it's printed on the kind of paper that works well as a fire starter. So still useful on my backwoods home.


The-fish t1_iuojbau wrote

That is so sad, I had a subscription before covid and really liked this Mag.


purduephotog t1_iuoqte3 wrote

>At least it's printed on the kind of paper that works well as a fire starter. So still useful on my backwoods home.

Sadly, it does not work as TP. Too glossy and scratchy.

You'd have to ball it up and rework it multiple times to get it down to an acceptable level of softness.


darkoath t1_iuoybs2 wrote

IIRC that mag was started by people that defected from The Mother News when TMEN "sold out and went corporate and lost it's way".

NGL, I prefer TMEN first 10 years to all the years that followed, too. But I prefer the first 2 years of Backwoods to all the years that followed there as well.

Seems like they split on "political" lines. You'll prefer Mother if you identify as a DEM and Backwoods if you identify as a REP. And if you can actually think for yourself you'll find 20-30% value in each.


VarkYuPayMe t1_iuot6np wrote

This was so unexpected it had me laughing. What the hell 😂