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NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c47oj wrote

It’s because you don’t like the answers you are hearing. People don’t play as much as you, it’s that simple. Even if you are playing a new video game, you have prior experience on other games, and average people lack that prior experience.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c4gji wrote

I don't care whether I like the answers or not. I can't control what people say lol

Also, I said this to address that point:
"However, skill isn't necessary to try to be a good teammate. Just think about common sense as best as you can and try putting some effort in. I do in games I'm new to."

If I can do it in games I'm completely a noob at, why can't they? Lol


NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c4zok wrote

Like a said 2-3 times already, you may be a new player to a certain game, but based on all the games you’ve played in the past you have a certain amount of “game sense” / experience. Average people have not played many games. So they lack that game sense/ awareness.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c5xwg wrote

You haven't read what I said properly then. I'm saying that not enough effort in team games is what annoys me, not losing. Losing in a fun match or one with teammates trying to play as a team is fine. Also losing constantly could be annoying, but this is about playing as a team instead.


NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c69ae wrote

Dude stfu lmao. Probably a trash can yourself at any game you play. If people aren’t great at a game, then whatever. Imagine complaining about something like that on Reddit. Touch some grass


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c87qg wrote

Cringe, I touch dirt instead.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c68vg wrote

I forgot to mention this, but I don't see how its impossible nor even difficult for someone new to video games to put a bit of effort into a team game lol