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Jarvis_Strife t1_iycosih wrote

Am I one of the few people that has never broken a controller in anger? Just try again and figure out what you did wrong so you can progress.


UglyKidEnzoo t1_iyd0a2p wrote

yeah i see there are many manchildren with anger problems lol


dhhdhh851 t1_iyda2tf wrote

Nuh uh youre clearly just not a gamer for destroying controllers. What a fuuuuckin beta man, like, what the fuck, like really?


crunchybuzzzo t1_iydhqcl wrote

I've held it aloft a few times while playing dark souls. Then the voice in my head tells me how much it costs to replace, before I gently bring it back down.


Swordbreaker925 t1_iydvpti wrote

People who get so angry they break shit are genuinely the dumbest people I’ve ever met, and have no self control or handle on their emotions.


creegro t1_iye1d9c wrote

I think I've damaged one controller from anger, when I was in my late teens. I don't remember what game it was, just that I threw the controller to the ground, watched it bounce once, and then had little pieces of plastic jiggling inside and never truly worked after that. And I've always had to buy my own extra controllers so it hurt more.


Swvmpy t1_iye59e1 wrote

I’ve only thrown a controller once. I was 15, playing a stealth challenge room in Arkham Asylum, dead set on getting a noteworthy spot on the leaderboard. One of my countless attempts pissed me off, but I got it eventually.

But I don’t get angry playing games. More like I get dissatisfied or annoyed. I can get mildly frustrated if I feel like I’m not improving, but if it feels momentary, I take a break, and if it feels like an ongoing issue, I figure the game is not for me. Bottom line is that I play games for challenge. I am just as likely to get frustrated with something feeling too easy as something feeling too hard.


Cr8er t1_iyegk63 wrote

The only controller I've had break was due to wear. My original Xbox 360 wired controller finally died last year. I should've kept it and tried to fix it, but I had a lack of judgement and just tossed it for a new Xbox controller.


tuffymon t1_iye1as3 wrote

I too have never broken a controller, although with a terribly bad streak against Lady Maria, I did put my controller down to go eat lunch and think about how I can do better. It's the only boss to eat my lunch enough to warrant that action.


rikashiku t1_iye83v2 wrote

Me neither. Controllers are expensive, yo. If I get frustrated in a game, I either look up ways other players have succeeded, or play an easier game like Dynasty Warriors or freakin Two-point Hospital;


bumbumhammer t1_iyelxuj wrote

Played all DS, ER, Nioh and it was all good. Played Sekiro and I did not broken my tv with my controller because... I don't know, but it was close.


Jesustron t1_iyem583 wrote

Never ever have I done this, even as a young person playing FESTERS QUEST on NES.


_coach_ t1_iyep5kj wrote

I used to get that upset about games, but I’ve grown past that (thankfully). Not worth the mental energy or money for controllers. Losing is just another way of learning! Everyone can have their moment of anger, what’s important is growing from that and not being a baby lol


IceYetiWins t1_iyf4tcw wrote

I throw the controller onto the couch where I know it won't get damaged when I'm mad, but no way am I throwing it at a solid wall


Hot_b0y t1_iyf6aju wrote

I have anger management issues but even i don't have the heart to break a controller. Really the only thing i do is fake bite it's handles.


The_L1ne t1_iyclwo4 wrote

actually Dark Souls is pretty fair and scales extremly well with your personal skill in the game.


Klefth t1_iydhh7g wrote

Yup, and this is what makes that game actually kinda comfy and relaxing in the end. Once the mechanics and the combat click, they stay with you and you realize how well balanced the game actually is, and how it actually hardly ever throws bullshit at you, BoC notwithstanding. It's a great game to go back to once in a while.


thejew09 t1_iyesnbx wrote

Ehh, going back and playing it again after 10 years, there a certainly a few bullshit moments. The Anor Londo archers segment is really broken, BoC, Skelewheels and Tomb of the Giants in general.

The rest is pretty comfy outside of that.


PalebloodSky t1_iydwr87 wrote

Not to mention you can just summon people for jolly co-op if you get stuck on a boss or wanna play with others. Available on 6 of the 7 Souls games.


aspacelot t1_iycpuji wrote

Ya just as long as you get gud


The_L1ne t1_iycube2 wrote

actually not even this. you can also have a very high perserverance to try again and again and again. Eventually one time you will beat that enemy. That is how my girlfriend finished Dark Souls 1, 95% of DS3 (with DLCs) and ~ 80% of Elden Ring.

But skill will make it faster :D


aspacelot t1_iycw1jm wrote

Yeah I know I was just joking. I definitely hit a wall on some bosses my first play through and just grinded out souls to go in with crazy STR and whoop ass. There’s always a way.


The_L1ne t1_iycysv5 wrote

my GF does not grind. she just tries again until she overcomes the boss ^^ even if it takes 100+ tries


Swordbreaker925 t1_iydvudn wrote

You don’t even have to be that good. You just need to have basic learning and comprehension skills so you can learn and adapt to enemies.


Heksinki t1_iycndzq wrote

Funny how I find it relaxing


Swvmpy t1_iye5jch wrote

Me too. It’s an expectations thing, IMO. I just go in expecting to die a lot. I always feel like I’m making progress because at least I’m learning movesets and things like that.


fartemous_foul t1_iyeygdt wrote

Once you get over the dying and build some confidence they are amazing maps to explore. And a lot of the frustration can be cheesed or ignored.


ScoobertDoubert t1_iycurm1 wrote

If you're breaking controllers you're playing video games wrong.


stscarllat t1_iyd0yot wrote

My brother's anger issues with videogames is one of the reasons I don't let him anywhere near my gaming laptop. If you break stuff or punch walls over games, or any other stuff really, you need help.


Schmidtsy_ t1_iydwtb3 wrote

For some reason this made me think of that ancient video of some dudes brother absolutely losing their shit over something like WoW, stuck a remote up their ass or some shit.. good lort if anyone knows what im talking about drop it below lol


ddasilva884 t1_iycoafn wrote

Not once have I ever damaged a controller playing a videogame.

Calm down.


dhhdhh851 t1_iydakk7 wrote

Lies. Controllers wear down over time which causes stick drift. No way you were blessed with never getting stick drift i refuse to believe it.


SkjaldOfRuss t1_iydpzty wrote

You appear to have completely missed the point.

There's a difference beyween natural damage that occurs such as stick-Drift due to negligent design and QA so no fault of the user & being an overgrown manchild who thinks smashing their controller because "Enemy tough. Me no beat. Me smash." appears to be logical in their brains.

I have never damaged a controller in the latter group and fortunately have yet to experience the former.


dhhdhh851 t1_iydumd9 wrote

... can you not take a joke?


iwannaberockstar t1_iye0g7f wrote

...isn't one of the main prerequisites of a joke is for it to be funny?


Dropcity t1_iyea9a7 wrote

No, being a pseudo-intellect is serious business.

You know what they say, if you have time for levity you have time for brevity.

No joking on reddit sir, it detracts from my point and leaves my anecdotes w low self-asteem.

I couldn't decide..


BanksBebop t1_iydv90x wrote

I've only ever kinda broke a controller playin tekken and it wasn't out of anger. It's just when I used to play in the matches I'd get so excited I'd press down the buttons to hard and some would get stuck.


Gentleman_33 t1_iyd93w7 wrote

According to the memes... yes... but you seem to not know quite how wrong you are.


LonesomePuppy t1_iycp4xa wrote

Souls? No, it's just hard but fair. Learn attack patterns, stop spending your souls/echoes/runes/whatever on every attribute, git gud etc.

Competitive online games? Very different story. Anyone who claims to have never at least been tempted to break something is a liar, or has never really played anything competitively.

I'm not condoning it, but it happens. Imagine all the emotions of an athletic sport, only without the physical exhaustion acting as a counterbalance.


UglyKidEnzoo t1_iyd0wls wrote

Tempted vs actually acting on this are 2 different things


No-Wrongdoer972 t1_iycv1l6 wrote

Unhealthy anger management problems in a nutshell.


Philip_Raven t1_iyde866 wrote

I never understood why people are getting physically violent and throwing tantrums...


AND why others find it funny...all it shows is poor self-control and child-like behaviour


Estoton t1_iye0f05 wrote

I dont think its funny and its weird when people voluntarily let others know that it happens to them. Its often adhd related and theres a certain lack of noticing your emotions before its too late thats a symptom of it so in many cases that contributes to it happening. Where a normal person would put the controller down 20 mins ago and take a break you would just keep going without realizing whats happening until its too late.


HypnoticVampiress t1_iycn4i4 wrote

If you're breaking anything in anger, you need therapy really badly and I guarantee your friends and family are afraid of you.


Blundell1992 t1_iydfgwd wrote

I've never broken a controller in anger because I'm not an emotionally-driven man child.

If you get that mad over a videogame, you need help.


drunkenstepdad t1_iyeizly wrote

Just gonna take an old wallpaper image with a hot take title and call it a post huh?


FingerUpMeBum t1_iyfbog7 wrote

Can't afford it so much in these trying times 😂


snub-Leek4793 t1_iyfd5ve wrote

im i the only one that doesn't get angry or even irritated playing fromsoft games ?


VergilVDante t1_iycyelg wrote

I played the soulsborne series back to back and i have no idea how I didn’t break my controller with some of the bosses

Fuck You Laurence i hope someone squirt shit on your ugly face


HighLordTherix t1_iyd3bl8 wrote

It's that time of week. Thinking getting angry at pattern recognition and breaking things is funny.


AtlasAntonioAlbert t1_iyd3ffi wrote

I think you meant "unhealthy anger problems in a nutshell" If you actually break things over games, it's not the game, it's you.


Markamanic t1_iydboc4 wrote

Inability to control your emotions in a nutshell.


bito90 t1_iydcvux wrote

I finished all 3 ds games on mouse and Keyboard 😛

(Ds1 ptd has such poor mouse controls that i had to play it on Keyboard only with ijkl for the cam)


Neon_Ramen_Sign t1_iydd9hb wrote

Fucking embarrassing lol this sub really excels at the cringe sometimes


theredview t1_iydgtkw wrote

Never once while playing elden ring did I get mad and throw my controller or hit it or anything.


Req_Neph t1_iydhfbi wrote

God, when I first played the original dark souls my brother had some gamer rage issues and took it out by slamming the controllers against his desk. Not even about souls either.

But the controller registering dodges & backsteps when I'm not paying any buttons was a major problem. That was when we had to get separate controllers.


rikashiku t1_iye8pvm wrote

I've never found Dark Souls to be particularly difficult. DS2 and Bloodbourne on the otherhand are more of a challenge, but not enought o make me rage quit. What does make me rage quit are mystery games or story-driven games like the Telltales games or Life is Strange because I made a bad choice or I missed a choice or a collectible.


autumnhymn t1_iyfbggt wrote

I'm curious what you found challenging in DkS2 over say DeS or DkS3? I found the main game not so bad but the DLCs messed me up a bit


Fedorchik t1_iyedot0 wrote

Nah, that's anger management issue.


GWALCH-GWYN t1_iyelvj5 wrote

Some of their bosses look like that as well.


f4d3d_sh0t t1_iyemenm wrote

Been playing games nearly all my life and I still can understand why people tend to break their controllers when they rage like they just get this shit for free


Chickenmilk_ t1_iyen6vv wrote

I threw my PS2 controller up in the air once, but the chord pulled it back down and it hit me in the head.

Good times


FusionAtomixx t1_iyeo9ic wrote

I had gone my entire life without breaking a controller until I played weekend league in FIFA 21


JesusWaffles47 t1_iyerxfw wrote

I just ruined my controller yesterday, crucial lesson….


milkstrike t1_iyetii3 wrote

Someone falling asleep would be more accurate…


ashen____one t1_iyevi5z wrote

more like anger issues, normal fromsoft fans dont have rage quits they just think "lets try again".


ssCuacKss t1_iyeyynb wrote

Memes, the DNA of the soul


CatmanDrucifer t1_iyezv62 wrote

Yeah if you have anger problems and have never thought about personal respect for your stuff. Sure.


Brisslayer333 t1_iyf2wy3 wrote

The issue may have been playing it on PS3. Blighttown especially isn't gonna play nice.


Ok-Ambition-9432 t1_iyf9ssr wrote

If you actually break your controller over a videogame, you have some legitimate serious mental problems that have almost nothing to do with videogames.


LucStarman t1_iycp7tm wrote

It happened to me. It broke the Up position in my Left Stick.


Schulle2105 t1_iyd8c8e wrote

I mean I ragequited the game a couple of times at least for ds2 but I never was capable to thrash my equipment


Klefth t1_iydgypz wrote

I mean, if a game has to coddle you and offer no challenge for you to not smash a controller, you should probably seek professional help, lol.


8Antarctichandshakes t1_iydi3un wrote

Dark souls in a nutshell for the people that think it's a button mashing game. Just stick with Zelda children and stop breaking your toys.


Enough-Collection-98 t1_iydtkm6 wrote

I have never once felt like breaking a controller, much less in dark souls. Every death and screw up is clearly and 100% user error and it simply galvanized me to try harder.


FASBOR7Horus t1_iydz3rx wrote

Looks at Malenias poise system

Looks at Godfreys Stomps

Yeah clearly 100% user error


Crash4654 t1_iye7w2h wrote

It is considering how many hitless attempts have been recorded and posted by people who consistently avoid or exploit both of those systems.


autumnhymn t1_iyfaqx8 wrote

Either you've only seen the end result of the grinding that led up to it or you HAVE seen the awful grind that has been required for these things and aren't discussing this in good faith. Just because it can be done doesn't mean it isn't flawed.

I love the Soulsborne series and soulslikes but it really does a disservice to their constant improvement to act like the series has no flaws, if indeed they are flaws. I would hazard a guess to say Malenia wouldn't be a good representative of her lore if she didn't have any semblance of bullshit to back it up.


Crash4654 t1_iyfc3o5 wrote

But if it couldn't be successfully manipulated or timed at all, as the person I was replying to was implying, then you couldn't just grind it out. It's 100% human factor that can be learned and abused like any other system in the game. Like her poise damage is easily one of the most abuse able systems in the game to the point that its a meme in the community that she's weak to frost pots, of all things, due their ability to consistently stun her out of waterfowl dance.

I'd go so far to say it IS arguing in bad faith to imply that the stomps and malenia ARENT consistent especially when video proof exists to the contrary from multiple sources.

Just because people have to learn the system/timing doesn't mean it's not consistent.


Swordbreaker925 t1_iydvmn1 wrote

People who genuinely break their controllers because they’re mad at a game baffle me.

How can you be so low-intelligence and so lacking in self control? The angriest I’ve ever gotten was in Call of Duty trying to do the veteran campaign in the Favela mission. The angriest I ever got was saying “that’s fucking bullshit” and continuing on without throwing a fit.


KsquaredDMV t1_iyf5efx wrote

Never uninstalled a game so fast in my life


remtemp t1_iyd60j6 wrote

Dark souls is fine

This is Nioh and Ninja Gaiden


rrg-28 t1_iyd8i30 wrote

If you break your controllers over a video game, it's time to seek some help


Fire_Block t1_iyco14u wrote

Ya know if assholes in the soulsborne community didn’t turn git gud from “there is no trick, you just have to practice until you get it down” to “you’re just shit at this game lol” I’d say it pretty often with all of these “dark souls hard” posts I’ve recently seen. Most of them are again a case of practice and learning the mechanics well enough to tackle bigger threats.

Except Blighttown. Almost everyone agrees that Blighttown is a pain


Mishar5k t1_iydfcv8 wrote

I always start with the master key to skip most of blighttown. Always gotta remember to pick up that one ring that lets me move normally in the swamp first.


[deleted] t1_iye51tf wrote

Fuck the games, director, and the idea straight to hell.

“Let’s make a really cool looking game…. Mmm yeah make it so they can’t really win unless they’ve nothing better in life…. Oh and make the story super super confusing and secondary….. perfection!!! New game idea you say??? Boom let’s do IT AGAIN!!!”

Seriously… I read the reasons why he makes games like this… all I can say is eating sliced bread is far better than cutting your own fucking loaf with a wet noodle.


Crash4654 t1_iyea1wk wrote

I mean it's not really any different than mario.

Did you know the npc enemy with the highest kill count in the world is the very first Goomba in super Mario bros 1? Because he's there's there explicitly to teach you that touching them is bad and stepping on them is good. From there you start to learn the worlds. Sure the first time you're running through you get hit by a random hammer from a hammer bro. But the second time you know he's there so you live a little longer but you don't know the pattern so he gets you again. The third time you watch more and learn that the pattern exists but with a bit of randomness to it and then you learn he jumps up and down platforms, you die again. The fourth time you know everything he can do and put it into practice and might make it, might not depending on your skill and patience. Or you might get lucky and have a fire flower and kill him before he can kill you on your first try.

Dark souls does that exact same thing just with a healthbar and stamina attached. Every time you die and redo an area, you know what's there in the exact same spot every single time, just like mario. The zombie in the corner doesn't get you anymore because you're ready for him. You get the backstab on the big enemy or avoid him completely because he's not worth it. You find the spot where the enemy can't hit you so you can heal in safety, or you know you're going to be shot at so you shield up to prevent damage.

Maybe at first you panic dodge because you don't know whats coming, after a few tries you learn that an over the shoulder hold strike is preceded by the enemy leaning back so you time your dodge just once, giving you more attack chances. You learned that going for 3 hits instead of 2 or 1 is more risky and leaves you open so you stop getting greedy.

This is so much longer than I intended but I just want people to know it's not really that bad. It seems unfair but much more often than not it's one of the more fair games out there.

Yeah, every so often there's an enemy that just surprises you out of nowhere and feels like bullshit, but then again, super Mario had lakitus throwing spinies randomly at you too, and you figured out how to work around them too.


[deleted] t1_iyen7ap wrote

Comparing dark souls and Mario seemed irrational til I read this. Beautifully said. While I agree my sentiment towards the Souls genre is the exact same.

I own Bloodborne, Ashen, Elden Ring, Nioh, Nioh 2, etc etc… I’ve dropped countless hours, looked up articles, guides, play throughs, the whole nine yards. Those games just aren’t it FOR ME

Even Mario has a more user friendly approach to its games. Even if you aren’t particularly skilled you get to enjoy a decent amount of the damn game.

Games are for enjoyment, I rate games accordingly. Games like Mario are easily enjoyable as numbers show. When I look at the sales of Elden Ring vs. the percentages I can find of people who’ve actually beat it…. I can only imagine the Creator being fine with the majority of their consumers not truly getting to see or appreciate their work. To me that’s just fuckin stupid.

Like making a painting you have to get LASIK surgery to see. Like chopping up the audio of a song and making you put it back together before getting to hear it. Souls games are like, here’s a really beautiful and expansive game… but you have to die and retry hundreds of times before you get anywhere. I work full time, and have a social life, these games really don’t seem tailored around that.

To say all of that:

If YOU like those games… cool. I don’t. I’ve tried and tried and tried and just really fucking don’t lol.

I like them so much I contemplated getting a PC to use difficulty mods just so I could actually experience the game.


[deleted] t1_iyenfjw wrote

And even then… none of what I said would matter if they allowed an accessibility slider to make the game reasonably beateable. Note I said “reasonably”