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brycejm1991 t1_iyeih5c wrote

>that's a pretty reasonable conclusion if someone just glanced at it without any other context.

Which is totally fine, I wont argue with that. Its also not the best version of that Logo. What I will argue with is someone who says semantics. In my experience, which is obviously anecdotal, people use the term "semantics" as a way of telling a person they are wrong, and ending a conversation. The person is in fact wrong, and saying semantics is asinine.

Edit - I lied, I will argue it a bit. NYC is closer to where the first ring is, than it is to the actual start point. If you dont know where NYC then it can be understandable, but NYC is that far down.


zapharus t1_iyf41ey wrote

I also thought it represented the Spider-Man games only because I’ve never played Death Stranding but after you mentioned it in your first comment I searched online for “Death Stranding Bridges logo” and it’s clearly the Bridges logo. Funny that it’s straight up a spider web.


brycejm1991 t1_iyf8uqu wrote

>Funny that it’s straight up a spider web.

Which is why thinking its spider-man is reasonable. However given that the other covers all reasonably make sense with their associated games, the fact that the web stretches across the US, should have been a flag that that thought was wrong.

That said, I fucking loved death stranding, but they could have done something else such as Sam's, or better yet Mama's, Odradek.


zapharus t1_iyfa71n wrote

Or simply just the silhouette of a baby encased in a cocoon or something. As someone who’s never played DS, every time I think of that game the first images that come to mind are the baby in a jar, Norman Reduus, the dead sea mammals from the trailers, and the goop creatures.